London, Arkansas. Or London in Burgundy, France. There's also New London, Minnsota.....London, Ohio....London, California....London, Wisconsin....London, West Virginia....London, Kiribati....and London Island in Chile.
Well, the Bears have been doing a good job of keeping this in house, and now he is back to being a full participant in practice again it just seems like the erratic behavior reports seem to be the most logical. While the Nagy and the Bears are being tight-lipped about this Mack did offer this “It’s in-house, we know he’s going to get better and we look forward to him getting back out there with us,”.
Yeah based on that I’m convinced it’s mental health so here’s to wishing him the best in getting better. If he’s already full practice that’s a good sign.
I'm still not all in on Nagy as a HC and playcaller.....but there's zero doubt in my mind that he has the buy in of the locker room and is a good leader in that regard.
He just told the media it’s a personal issue and didn’t take follow ups then said he’s playing on Sunday. Welp.....
What was the point of having him talk then? Glad he's playing Sunday. Lovie did as well, particularly in his first few years.
I just watched a video of him facing the media. He did take a few follow ups, just didn't offer much else. My question for him would be, regardless of what this personal issue was, is there a chance it could impact you or prevent you from playing later in the season? No one asked that.
Credible Journalism died years ago when billionaires who bought out news agencies and papers found that wasn’t profitable as opposed to a video squirrel on waterskis.
I think it's safe to say that if this is related to mental health issues that there is no way of determining what the future will bring.
If the question had been asked in the first place we might know for certain if this IS related to mental health. His availability the rest of the season is what I care about most as fan, callous as that may be.
This locker room is starting to look like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Come on... Mitch, Trey, Roquan... medication time! Show of hands... Who wants to watch the game?!
It’s not callous. I think we all feel the same way. I just appreciate the Bears handling it this way if it is indeed something personal or mental health.
I really hope he's ok. Its hard enough to live with mental illness when you're an average Joe but to be constantly thrust out in the public eye must be traumatizing. I don't know how celebrities deal with that.