Someone earlier mentioned HIPAA laws. The longer this goes unanswered, the more I'm thinking whatever it is has to fall under this mandate. Along those lines . . . I thought the media was disgraceful in a Nagy presser I watched. It was obvious he wouldn't (or legally couldn't) answer questions regarding Roquan's status but they kept peppering him with the same question over and over.
The conduct of the local Chicago media and fans on twitter and elsewhere right now is actually rather disgusting.
For those of us who have no idea how to find said disgusting information can ya help a lady out and give us a link?
I dunno. I didn't think it would be possible for you to be LESS BLOODY HELPFUL Bww but you've proved me wrong. Yet again. No wonder I'm such a football dunce. THIS IS ON YOU MISTER!!
Getting summoned to her office was getting difficult to explain to Mrs. Lyman. I considered it an "OFI".
Oh shaddup ya big idiot. LOL I'm not even kidding when I say I will end you one day ... Thanks Lyman. Thank God there are good people like you around.
LOLOL ... Damnit man!! I got a site about oceans or something. God it's hard being me and being here LOL
I did find it but thanks Lyman. Perhaps Bww will use you as a learning tool for how to be more helpful and less of a pain in the butt ... Hey also I read that the Bears are going to London. Why in the world are they doing that?