Compare him to whoever you want. Its your world. I still feel comparing him to Mahomes is pointless but you be you. Watson is more interesting. Much closer comparison IMO although Watson is starting to pull away. I assume everyone will have their own baseline for grading Mitch's performance based off there expectations and how he plays. Not following the apology thing.
I agree with this as many did not see what Mahomes was actually capable of so I don't blame them for passing on him, but Watson yes I believe that was a big mistake. Now if Watson was gone and Mitch was still there I wouldn't have a damn thing to bitch about.
What’s his baseline to you? You said Monday night was a great what are your expectations for him that Monday night looks great in hindsight?
My opinion....if you use a #2 pick on a QB you are making him the franchise and that guy should eventually be a guy that can win a game with his arm and other abilities when all else fails. So that’s my baseline. Mitch needs to get there and show progress along the way to becoming that guy. And at this moment in time...I don’t see him doing it.
I didn't know what Mahomes was capable of and maybe you didn't either, but it's Pace's job to know exactly that. I do blame him for passing on him even though at the time I really wanted Watson.
Exactly this. What fans believe or think doesn’t matter. Pace and his team of scouts and personnel men are paid to find the talent. That’s their job. Their #1 job.
I would say Mitch last season is my baseline. Going into this season I would have bet that Mitch would take a step forward. I expected Trubisky to come out playing like Prescott and Jackson have been playing. Saying Mitch was disappointing the first 2 weeks is the understatement of the century. Add that to how well other young QB’s were playing and you got yourself a depressing situation. I already said great was getting a little carried away. I do think he had a good game. A big improvement from the first 2 weeks. He looked a lot more like Mitch rim last season which is a start.
As did I, I wanted Watson too. Pace has had his share of brain farts no doubt (White and Shaheen) but he also has assembled a most terrifying defense. Yes, it is his job to know that shit, but I won't fault him for that when so many others missed the boat with it too. I'm not calling for Pace's head, because at the end of the day how many missed the boat with Tom fucking Brady? I've learned after having kids to pick my battles, and at this point considering all things it's a battle not worth fighting. Pace fucked up, but he's also done some good things and I don't care to disown him quite yet.
Let me be clear I'm not calling for Pace's head. I'm willing to have him stay around and try once more with another QB next year assuming Mitch does not improve. At this point he has a mixed legacy. Vvarder's avatar should probably replace the word "might" with "sometimes" at this point. Putting together an excellent defense, surrounding the QB with decent enough talent at the skill positions, even bringing in Nagy are all positives. The whiff on Trubisky is massive though and like it or not will probably define his tenure here if he does not get the QB right by next season.
You're welcome. This board needs more of it without the nonsense threads. Partially yes, partially no. Rob and I aren't oblivious to what's going on, but the NFL is probably one of the last leagues for instant gratification, where if one guy isn't cutting it, he gets the hook like a relief pitcher in baseball. The hooked guy then goes back to the minors to fix the issues then comes back up when he works them out. The NFL isn't about to use the XFL for their minor leagues system......and you saw what happened to the AAF some months ago. That isn't an option. I'm not saying Mitch is a long term answer or that he's great. He hasn't shown us any of that, and I'm not making excuses for him. You can find threads where I've called him a mix of Blake Bortles and bad Rex. You can find threads where I've suggested that you have 2 2nd rounders this upcoming April, one of those could be a QB to challenge MT or both picks can be used to trade back up into the 1st round because 1st rounders get the 5th year team option, something Mitch has. So after this year, the bears get 2 more of Mitch. Something to digest for some of you. I'm still saying if the inconsistencies continue, you must challenge him. And it cant be Chase Daniels or Tyler Bray. I'd prefer it not to be a 20 million dollar back up. Until then, he's the starter going into week 4. That's just reality. He isn't going anywhere unless he gets injured, so you can objectively watch him and say "hey, that was good" or "that was really bad" when deservedly called for. I just saw more good than bad this past Monday. The kid followed the plan set up by the coach and they won by 2 scores. Isn't that what we've wanted to see? Yet some of you jaded folk still bitch about it.......Cant help you if all you want to see is the shitty side of things. I'm getting too old to try and change the mind of someone set in their ways. I rest my case. You're allowed to say he had a good game against a shitty team. Instead, you cite 'numerous inaccurate deep throws' when Mitch went 25 of 31. 6 missed passes, with only 2 incompletions over 10 yards. 'Numerous' is DEFINITELY a word I would use to describe Mitch's "inaccuracy" against the redskins where he goes 4/6 at 10+ yard passes. Again, if you want to be jaded and live in your own reality when everything is shit, when clearly this is a cringe-worthy overreaction of a Skip Bayless proportion, have at it friend.
This is exactly what we've been doing and always on done on this board. I'm thinking we should sign Alex Smith for 2020 and he probably won't be expensive given his age and that injury. Already has familiarity and a great relationship with Nagy. Is someone who is a proven "game manager" who limits mistakes. Maybe his presence will either light a fire under Trubs or be someone Trubs can learn from directly. Put Alex Smith on the current Bears and we're definitely a playoff team but not a Super Bowl team. That's better than I think we are with Trubs.
I don't think Alex Smith is coming back. Minus the Joe Theisman injury, he also had multiple bacterial infections in his leg he's fought through and spent 8 month in a cast alone for said infection. He's also under contract, and the Redskins most recent comments regarding Alex Smith are that he isn't expected to play in 2019 and put him on the PUP list, so as far as I know he isn't even going to be available. Dan Snyder is dumb enough to hold onto him or the guy just may retire. Otherwise? Here's the free agent to-be list: Jameis Winston, Ryan Tannehill, Brett Hundley, Drew Stanton, AJ McCarron, Taysom Hill, Teddy Bridgewater and Colt McCoy. Yeah none of these guys do anything for me. The best of this list is Bridgewater, who will get a raise of his 7 and change mil salary this year, especially if he shows well in Brees' injury absence until his thumb heals, which was off to a good start beating the Texans this past Sunday. I'm very opposed to Teddy Bridgewater at more than 10 mil a year--which he's going to get if he gets another win or two--which he should as his next 4 opponents are Bears, Cardinals, Cowboys, and Bucs. The Bears also will have to scrounge together 10+ mil for him, meaning guys are going to need to be cut/restructured as cap space going into the offseason wont be as copious as the past couple of years. Goes without saying, but I'm not counting Phillip Rivers or Dak Prescott as neither should be expected to leave their present team. I'm on the 'draft another kid' wagon and make them duke it out in preseason. No team with a functioning, competent starter at QB is going to let them go and if somehow it happens, you have to break the bank for an enormous risk.
3 of the 5 deepest passes on his chart make up half his incompletes. Half or more than half of the total passes are within 5 yards or behind the LOS. The interception was bad. Really bad. Fluff him up via his completion percentage all you want.....this is not a recipe for sustainable success in the NFL. For my money....Mitch too often stares down his first read and either throws it to him or immediately checks down to something under. To me that's not a sign of a QB that is's a sign of a QB that is failing to grasp his job. Maybe Mitch is simply developing at a slower rate that Alex Smith did early in his career. And that's fine except for the fact that by the time he finally gets it we will have wasted a lot of good defensive talent and offensive weapons.
I am sick of having QBs we win in spite of. The Bears won games for a couple seasons in spite of having Kyle Orton and Rex Grossman under center. They went to a SB in spite of the QB play. The Bears went to an NFC Championship in spite of Jay Cutler. Now we have the league's most dominant defense and we are winning games in spite of Trubisky and this anemic offense.
He’s not just the starter into week 4, he’s the starter for the rest of the year at least- that’s the reality. So we’ll have plenty more examples by year end to fight over. To be honest I expect him to improve, we make the playoffs and him to shit the bed when the pressure gets real. Because then the Bears decide we need several more years of this shit and pay him big bucks for being a very middle of the road QB. That’s a real Bears thing to do. You point out the cap problems on the horizon, Mitch I suspect will be part of the more agonizing decisions. Where I really agree with you though, is pushing him with someone, and that someone should be a draft pick. The pats found Garrapolo when they had Tom Brady. Rodgers was drafted under Farve and even WITH Rodgers the Peckers swung several more times. We keep losing draft capital with trades so no more of that if we could. I want nothing to do with the retreads, they all have baggage and a price tag. The way to win in this league is with a superstar QB, OR mediocrity at draft pick prices. We have the latter right now. And yeah we can win with it. Just like we could with Parkey. I’m just waiting for the moment when we lose directly because of the mediocrity. I still hold hope he’ll prove me wrong. He can start by putting up a game against our division foes.
Pat Good point on the 2+2=1.You have to realize having that option year is crucial to the development and growth of the team. Having that extra money available to pay the important cogs will be necessary if we want to maintain a consistent level of play and be a playoff-caliber team year in and year out. Pace at some point will get squeezed when he goes to pay the talent on this team Just be mindful of the when and how he does it. Let that also be the judge, and let's not lose focus of it. Not that you guys won't because you are at the top of the game, no rather, you are so all over the game and the game is looking up to you. I think much of it is out of sheer frustration at the level of play that we've endured at the QB position. When it come to Mitch I'm not saying it wasn't warranted. Our fucking patience is reading at a critical level. Just imagine you are climbing a rope and your neeeeearly to the top and then the rope starts to shred as you desperately try to reach the top and you're thinking "Oh Fuck". Yep! that's where I am. Let me ask you Pat is there any QB's expected to go later first round? I have no idea how far up we could get if we trade our 2's for a 1. To be honest I don't feel like looking it up because I'm too fucking high. I guess I'll find out in the morning what I wrote, and when I drinking my coffee and shaking my head. Sorry in advance because I just can't read shit onw.