Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by patg006, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    That is really sad to watch. Please tell me that was the last play of the game and he was just mega gassed.

    Yeah i listened to that too.

    It was a very clever way to look at it, but i thought given what they had just talked about Silvy would've taken it onto the next logical step ie You're playing the Lions next week and Trubisky is the QB. What is the central part of your gameplan to stop that Offense? Answer: Make Trubisky play QB. Which is what hear from opposing D's every week now.

    No more damning an indictment than that.
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I agree it's been an echo chamber in here and then the entire offseason it was about Parkey. Really how much critical talk can you have about a kicker and keep it fresh and interesting?

    If the Bears had 13 games all against the Redskins I'd be as happier than a pig in shit right now. Yeah maybe I should be happy and not worry about what the future will bring, but I can't. At this point, it's not even where he was drafted. I gave him the benefit of doubt last season the first year in the offense, and he was still learning. Nagy threw too much at him the first part of the season and I agreed with scaling back the offense because he looked like a deer in headlights. Maybe it's frustration that it might be another 10 years before they draft another QB in the 1st round because that's what they do and as it happens so often with this team and they'll bring in another retread to lead this franchise. Maybe I set the bar too high for a guy in his 3rd year that has trouble completing a 10-yard pass consistently and not looking off his first read often enough. Maybe I just frustrated that the training wheels may never come off. Yeah, maybe I'm just you know crazy. :confused:
  3. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Did Mitch even have a good game?

    Honest question.

    The pick in the red zone...the numerous inaccurate deep throws...the blatant miss of a wide open receiver.

    Yeah he had touchdowns....but that doesn’t mean it’s a good game.
  4. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I think that all of you guys have had sufficient years of football-playing/coaching/watching and your skills at analysis are probably superior to most fans so I trust that when you watch someone play you all recognize pretty quickly if the player is a miss or a value for the team.

    I just don't really get where all the Trubs-hype from last season went. He seemed okay last season and then this season he's a pretty miserable bust. What happened over the off season?
  5. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I think a lot of it is frustration at least for me with what the expectations I had for this team and what appears to be a lack of progression from Mitch and the more difficult schedule yet to come. Certainly, the offensive line isn't doing him any favors because the interior was perceived to be a strength that appears now to be a relative weakness, Ohhh but that defense is the real deal.
    babyfan likes this.
  6. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Here is another good video that shows just how bad Long played against Washington. It is a good watch as it breaks down a lot of what the Bears did well and not so well.

    The all 22 was very late and not complete this week so it was hard to go back and get the full picture. This guys “the tape doesn’t lie” is a good weekly view.

    Some of the more interesting tidbits were on some of the not so accurate throws everyone is pointing to that proves Mitch still sucks as a QB. If you can honestly look at how some of those plays went you will see the inaccuracies were not just Mitch throwing a shitty pass.

    On multiple occasions Long got pushed back into Trubisky not allowing him to step into a throw or making him change his throw.

    On a couple of throws maybe the receiver could have done a better job.

    This isn’t to excuse Mitch because there were a few plays that went unnoticed by some. I personally have been frustrated with Trubiskys unwillingness to run the ball at times.

    On the first sack Mitch had a clear running lane right up the gut. Instead he escaped left right into the sack. On another play, a handoff of an option he clearly read the end wrong and should have kept the ball.

    Anyway just thought I would share the video again this week enjoy if you will.
    vvarder, EvertonBears and tunafat like this.
  7. blang84 Legend Bears

    I enjoy back and forth with Rob and Patg, of course they are both VERY wrong about this and perhaps playing devils advocate to stir it up. If that was the goal then they succeeded.

    I guess outside of QB there's not a whole lot to debate about the rest of the roster. D is awesome, o-line is struggling, Montgomery is the real deal, Burton is soft, kicker looks better... It wouldn't be the Bears without some controversy around QB.
    babyfan likes this.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    Perhaps he's been told to run less to reduce injury risk by the coaches. He's a better play maker on the run than he is stationary in the pocket. Maybe he gets back to running more and keeping the D honest. But at least in the Packers game it looked like the spy they had on him pretty much neutralized that threat and he hasn't really tried it the last 2 games.
  9. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    That's what I'm wondering about too tuna. What happened to Mitch over the off season? Why hasn't he progressed? Is it because he just doesn't have it or could there be different reasons?
    tunafat likes this.
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    At 13:08 watch Monty take out two defenders with one block as Long watches.
    I couldn't tell you as I'm not the QB whisperer.
    Harkens back to the days of Dimm and the Mad Bomber.
    babyfan and blang84 like this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears

    Ha. Dimm. He defended Jay almost as vociferously as he did Rex. I bet he's already booked his trip to Canton to see Trubs' HOF induction.
    tunafat and babyfan like this.
  12. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    All I said is we should accept that the Bears didn’t draft the right QB when they took Mitch Trubisky. Didn’t say forget it happened. Didn’t say to forgive Pace for letting it happen. Never hinted that the Bears wouldn’t be perennial Super Bowl contenders if they had drafted Mahomes.

    It is just my opinion that constantly holding him up to a Patrick Mahomes standard is useless. It’s never going to happen. Never said anyone should lower their standards. But IMO it is possible to still compete for and maybe even win a Super Bowl with a lesser QB.

    That being said everything you wrote above is just flat out wrong. Trubisky has proven that he can do all the things you said he can’t. Hell he did all of those things this past game. The issue with Trubisky is consistency. At any given time for no apparent reason his mechanics will break down, he will make a bad read or a stupid decision.

    The whole hand held, extremely limited playbook stuff is a figment of your imagination. Using a short passing attack is not limiting your playbook. It’s using a different part of it. If your QB is having trouble pushing the ball down field it makes no sense to keep doing the same thing. Get him going and then come back to it. That was on full display last season. And as has been pointed out he isn’t the only one holding the downfield game from getting going. The o line has been struggling to block. In order to complete deep throws you need time to throw it.

    The last point about the running game. Teams are not stacking the box to stop the run and force Mitch to pass. They don’t need to. The Bears running game right now is not good. So far teams have been able to stuff the run for the most part without using extra defenders. When players say they are trying to make Mitch play QB they are referring to keeping him in the pocket and not letting him kill them with his legs.
  13. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    So we can’t compare Mitch to Mahomes or Watson and can hold up expectations that come with being a #2 pick......what are the reasonable expectations for him?

    Do we compare him to Moses Moreno, Johnathan Quinn, and Chad Hutchinson?

    What’s the baseline to grade his performance?

    And are we just gonna issue idiot apologies every week when he lays a great big steaming turd on the field?

    Should we only grade his 1 great throw each game and ignore the 15 bad ones?

    Seriously.....what the fuck?
    blang84 and tunafat like this.
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Trubisky was drafted to be the franchise QB of this team. The leader. The on field general. The man that can take this offense and move it forward and put points on the scoreboard.

    Yes he came to the NFL with limited experience. Yes he's in barely into year 2 of a new offense and learning. Yes the offensive line and running game has had some trouble. So god damn what.

    There are QBs all over the league with various levels of experience and with less talent around them outperforming our QB on a weekly basis. I'm tired of excuses. Tired of them. Tired of apologizing that Mitch doesn't look the part of a capable NFL QB regularly.

    Years and years of shit QB play from this franchise should have all of us tired of it. We need to expect and demand more.

    When you need 10 yards for a first down and you are consistently throwing the ball short of the god damn line of scrimmage....you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how NFL games are won. Bottom line.
    blang84, tunafat and EvertonBears like this.
  15. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I think if he didn’t he did came close. There were several passes that were on time across the middle. The one TD Mitch threatened to run it in which froze the defender just long enough so he could toss to Gabriel wide open (if he threw earlier I think the defender had time to contest at least). The bomb was pretty good.

    There are less of these examples than I’d like but for the last game he did ok. He’s got a real test this weekend, with the Peckers losing it’s all the more important to beat the Vikings. Huge game this week.
    tunafat likes this.
  16. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I could agree with this, if these consistency issues didn’t show up most often during the big games under bright lights.
  17. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Thanks for finding this again rob, i don't agree with everything he says(tuna stares in disbelief) but they are a good breakdown package.

    There's a couple of throws that i had on Mitch that upon viewing i do think could go more on the blocking, the out to ARob early and another one. Because the blocker was shoved back right in his face and it was right down the line he was trying to throw. However, i don't give him a pass for the INT despite that very thing happening because the INT was that bad. Even with a guy in his face Mitch has to do better. Actually like the guy said he simply premeditated what he was going to do and it blew up right in his face.

    I expected this vid to look bad for Long. If i can spot things on a 1st viewing realtime watch then the forensics of film breakdown was always gonna be a slaughterhouse for Long. And so it was. And just for context, the guy who stomped Long all night, Ionidis, is a good but not great player. This wasn't some All-Pro. I hope he can bounce back, don't know how exactly.

    Bit of a shame the tape focused on Trubisky so much tbh. Was hoping they would focus far more on the run game, particular the inside game since its so key going forward. They showed a few fails, maybe that told the story. Would've liked to see the T Formation play broken down too. That looked like a formation they could do a lot of different things out of and that may be something they have to do to make yards on the ground. Nagy is already employing the pitchouts/jet sweeps/end arounds effectively. Use the T more. They've GOT to find ways of getting more yards on the ground.

    And someone tell this guy to show more of the good work Monty is doing. Guy must break double digits tackles every week!
    babyfan likes this.
  18. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    If there is anything history has shown is when the Bears draft a QB they're not drafting the best, they're drafting...(fill in the blank)
    I disagree. Every aspect of what you do on offense dictates what they do on defense if you can't stretch the field they will continue to crowd the box and make our running more difficult. Just like shouldn't completely abandon the running game regardless of success a good coach will find a balance between the two.
    Thank you because it needed to be said. Perhaps I cut Jay too much slack prior to his final contract given he was in a new offensive system nearly every fucking year. I gave Mitch the benefit of doubt last year given his lack of experience and first year in this system. I don't see the progression this season and I need to. I've been doing this a lot longer than many of you with the exception of BWW that fuckers a fossil. Yeah way back to the time when the head coach called out his QB saying "He could throw the ball through a brick wall if he can only hit the brick wall"
    So yeah that's where I'm at and at my age, the only joy I have is yelling at the kids to get off the fucking lawn, and this QB sucks.
    It wouldn't be the first time nor the last and moveover since I retired and able to get high again it's hard to discern between the two. :smokey:
  19. blang84 Legend Bears

    I believe Trent Dilfer's name was floated earlier in the thread.
  20. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    LMAO Yeah Kent Nix, Gary Huff, and Jack Concannon wasn't though.

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