movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    It might be hard for non-pet owners or folks who aren't animal lovers per se to understand, but it's like losing family.
    Catfish likes this.
  2. Catfish Guest

    i cant believe i have to take him back to be put down soon. i can't get over that. i thought he was a little sick like last year when he had teeth removed, not cancer and fluids in his stomach and he wont live long. i wasn't prepared for that. he just turned 11.
  3. firehalo Guest

    My most sincere condolences, Lyman. Nothing hurts more than losing your dog. I cried more over my dog (Tuco) dying (2014) than when my dad passed away (2007). I still miss that lil' fucker.
    AxeMurderer and Catfish like this.
  4. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Pets become like your children, very difficult to see them pass. That’s why I like having parrots. They live to be a lot older than dogs and cats.
    Catfish likes this.
  5. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Saw a statue of two cats sitting on a park bench and all I could think about were the two cats I had who were brothers, both now gone. Almost started bawling in the store.
    Catfish likes this.
  6. Catfish Guest

    my issue is at 11 i thought he had more time left. last year he was sick and had 9 teeth removed, so i thought it was something like that. the look on the vet's face said it all after the xrays. even if i had the money for kitty surgery on the mass or kitty chemo to shrink it down, which i don't have, they still couldn't save him. he only ate once yesterday and used the litter box. he still won't drink water so the vet will want him soon to put to sleep. that's whats so hard for me. he's 11 and so sick i can't imagine it. my sister had a cat who is 16 and deaf but still hanging on. Tux was always a strong cat and now he has 2 illnesses killing him.

    my best friend said i should get another cat, but i just don't know. im very hurt now and will hurt more when i bring Tux in to the vet to be put down. i dont know if i can be around another cat so soon after he dies. i still have Oscar left. he turned 8 yesterday.
  7. Catfish Guest

    thanks for the kind words guys.

    back to the trivia -- in die hard 3 - what piece of evidence does Jeremy Irons give to John McClane which reveals where Irons will end up at the end of the movie ??
  8. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    A bottle of aspirin
    Catfish likes this.
  9. Catfish Guest

    bingo Lyman. Well done! The movie theater is yours. Jeremy Irons' character has migraines and is always popping aspirin. John McClane asks for some.
  10. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I got nothing.
  11. Catfish Guest

    i just caught this for the first time after seeing the movie probably a hundred times.

    in the movie Major League when Tom Berenger follows Rene Russo home to see where she lives, she has a vanity license plate on the front of her car. Now if you remember what she does for a living, you will know the license plate.
  12. Catfish Guest

    Cat update: Tux barely drank water or ate any food all weekend. He just sat under the bed or came out for a little bit and went back under the bed. The vet wants me to bring him in tomorrow at 4pm to put him down as he's not eating anymore. I've cried the entire weekend and even on the phone today talking to the vet. Sad that I will lose him at 11 yrs old. I've had him since he was 4 weeks old. I just wasn't prepared for him to have 2 major illnesses and to have a few days left to live. I thought he had 4 good years left. I'm heartbroken and tomorrow will be the worst day of all and more crying to come. Thanks for all the nice words and posts guys. I appreciate it.
    AxeMurderer likes this.
  13. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Cat If you can make it to Washington I have a cat that you would really love. He was brought up with two dogs and acts like a pet dog, he loves to greet you when you come home and always wants to be with his people getting attention like a dog.
    Catfish likes this.
  14. Catfish Guest

    Gid - everyone keeps asking about that and if i will get another cat. The answer is "i don't know right now." this has been very hard considering i thought he was a little sick and then i get news he has days to live. getting another cat is the farthest thing from my mind. thanks for the offer but i need more time.

    and are you in washington state or washington dc ?
  15. Catfish Guest

    why are you getting rid of the cat ? that's so hard on the animal ?
  16. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    I don’t want to get rid of him. I’m trying to help you out. He’s the best cat I have ever seen. And I think he would really make you happy.
    Catfish likes this.
  17. Catfish Guest

    yeah i need time to think and figure it out. plus im going away for 5 days in oct so i want any adoptions to be after that. can't go away and leave the new guy to the cat sitter.
  18. firehalo Guest

    She’s a librarian: READ
    Catfish likes this.
  19. firehalo Guest

    Take your time on the new cat thing, Cat. When my doggo died, my ex wanted another dog straight away. I wasn’t ready but I wasn’t looking for a fight either. Got another dog. Warmed up to her quick and vis a vis. Ex kept that one. It was hers anyways. Mine was under the apple tree, so it didn’t matter... much.
    Catfish likes this.
  20. firehalo Guest

    In Speilberg’s shite version of Kubrick’s AI, what popular hard rocking band was featured at the Flesh Carnival?

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