no it doesn't. fans don't know the real story behind it. they just say they threw snowballs at Santa Claus. they have no idea why they did it or that a skinny drunk Santa was taunting them and brought it on himself.
It lives in Eagles lore. Throwing snowballs at Santa, a fan shooting a flare gun, a jail cell in the stadium...
a flare gun ? never heard of it. oak-la-sf fans - killing someone in the parking lot, putting a fan into a coma and now he's handicapped, brawl in upper level leads to stream of blood going down staircase to lower level. chicago-fan dumps beer on shane victorio while he's catching a fall ball. a drunk father and son rush the field and attack a first base coach or umpire. bad move as both teams came out to kick their asses. philly gets the bad rap when many sports fans are just as bad.
Monday night game against the 49ers - fan in the stands fired a flare gun. I know...but we're talking about the Eagles here.