I might be durnk. Defense was pretty damn good. but the fucking team, i swear to god. every year with this shit, aaron fucking fellated by collinsworth on live tv for one fucking drive, 3 whole plays of breakdown. trubs is a bust. too eary to sy that? yeah fucking maybe but then again sometmies you just ond't have IT. big lights, big pressure, shit the fucking bed. the packers d might be improved but what are they the 85 fucking bears reincarnate. 3 motherfucking points on 100 years of rivalry and great clal on on sitting the starters in preseason nagy, they totally came out 100% on point and looked super fucking sharp and up to game speed. the o line had so many procedural things go wrong, assignments communication, the kind of rust you knock off in these games, played before anything matters. i don't know why this one gets me so bad. every packers loss is bad, this one, i duno. maybe it' because at the bar i was at you had about 75% illeterate packers fans, in seattle of all things. cheering when rodgers was scrambling and flag was thrown, and ANYONE with half a football brain knew it was holding on their o line, and this douchecanoe shouts out "oh oh! free play!". Or like when him or someone else was all 'it never touched the ground, interception!" and then the replay goes up zooming on it touching the ground when he caught it so I yelled back 'oh YEAH, never touched the ground, OBVIOUSLY'. and man, i don't like to bitch about refs, and my buddy at the game said it was mostly the bears not being up to game speed, but it's just odd to me that these ticky tacks are being done by the bears, but the packers played a clean game. that opi challenge was possibly the dumbest thing iv'e ever seen in my life, obviously not a foul. and then two plays later this tickiest tack bullshit ever two hands on the back negating a massive play. i guess the challenge was worth it because then they were "looking fo it". begging for fucking flags. i hate the fudge so much fuck all of you and fucking good night.
No, it's not he is. In my experience, I've seen enough bad QBs to know one when I see one and he's one. I'll give you that because it's spot on. lol I love you dude I really do. I feel you!
God bless ya man, hell of a drunken post to start the season. If the Bears Offense had come out the gates half as fast we'd have won that game easily!
Sometimes you come back to a drunken post and think “what the hell was I thinking?” This one I feel my pain last night, and not just the hangover today. I do remember thinking we are going to blow another elite defense on a piss poor offense apparently that didn’t make it on the page though. Tough loss. Off to read the game threads and sober analysis from you gents.