2019 General Managers Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Manager's Office' started by Campbell, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    We're on a 24 hour hold for a couple of people.

    Tomorrow's 8am start will not be pushed back.
    LAOJoe likes this.
  2. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Thanks...somehow I managed to completely miss the word "restructures" in the middle of that thread title, and if anyone else did a restructure in there I missed that, too.

    So I just click where it says "extend" in the dropdown on the "calculator " page and that's the number I add to my cap space (e.g., $10,376,000 for Brady), yes?
  3. xinik Franchise Player Manager Giants

    Wait so we can extend a guy on the last year of their deal? I didn't think we could do that. I probably should have extended Eli instead of outright cutting him but I am honestly not upset with my decision anyway.
  4. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    You didn't miss it, I just added it...

    Yep, just use the numbers they have for restructures or extensions to make it work.

    You get three to work with.
  5. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Unless I'm remembering it wrong from last year, I think we decided that the only way we could do it was to make it so that they had to have a limited number of years left (2) because of restructures and extensions being treated as the same thing in this exercise.
  6. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    Whew ! Thought I was losing it because I didn't remember typing it. :up:
    Campbell likes this.
  7. xinik Franchise Player Manager Giants

    Ok I must have remembered wrong. I remember the restructure rules but I didn't think we could extend a guy in the last year of his deal. No big deal either way. Cutting Eli was more about making a point than anything else and I wouldn't take it back even if I could.
  8. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Personally I’m getting real excited to get this bad boy under way.

    If anyone needs the Colts, Skins, or Cowboys GM, I’m your man.

    Skins still shopping LB Zach Brown and TE Jordan Reed.
  9. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    I think we had some awkward special circumstance with Drew Brees’ contract last year that over complicated things
  10. xinik Franchise Player Manager Giants

    Brees contract is always a hot mess so that would make sense.

    For the record I am also chomping at the bit to get going. I have been thinking about how to fix this team since late September...
    RTTRUTH likes this.
  11. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Michael Bennett is for trade.

    @SportsFanatic copy Desean Jackson trade?
  12. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Got a question... when I restructured contracts or cut a player it adjusted my teams cap space, so where do we keep track of these new dollar amounts on these threads? Is it just something I make note of at home on my own or is there a specific place to show the ebb's and flow's of the cap space here somewhere?

    I don't see a cap space total on my 2019 roster here, that I can adjust.
  13. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Just note yourself.
    I added a spot at the bottom of my google docs
    IrishDawg42 and Willie like this.
  14. munoz1987 Franchise Player Manager Broncos

    We def need a Google sheet with all available Free Agents thats pinned to the Free Agent bid page
  15. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    Since Anthony Barr screwed the Jets and is re-signing with the Vikings... in this exercise, does Barr come off the FA list? Managers are bidding on him, but he still remains a Viking.
  16. xinik Franchise Player Manager Giants

    He was and is a FA as of the time that the rosters locked in place so he is a FA per the purposes of this exercise.
    Willie likes this.
  17. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    As he was a FA when the rosters locked, if you want him to remain a Viking, you're gonna have to jump into the bidding.
    Willie and LAOJoe like this.
  18. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    The extension/resign had to come before the lock date. He's a FA.
    Willie likes this.
  19. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    FYI Chargers aren't on because they don't want to sign anybody at this time. If they have a trade they may not know about it and you can just tell me there is one. I don't need to have the details but I can tell him to look into it.
  20. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts

    Man, I’m disappointed so far with Mayock running the Raiders.
    Just spending, spending, trading for 30 year olds.
    $11 Mill AAV for Tyrell Williams? Anyone see him make a play in the divisional round against the Pats??...
    Me neither.

    New OL record salary for Trent Brown? You know Brady is top 3 in time from snap-to-release?
    So are we expecting Pats Trent Brown? Or Niners Trent Brown? Either way, probably not worth a record salary. I don’t get it.

    Now that I’m thinking on it, these are all offense moves. Probably the plan was to try and make offense credible and throw MOST of draft at young defenders. Worth a shot.
    I’m still less than awe inspired early on

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