It'll be fun to see crazy's reaction to it. He'll be back for the draft right? He hasn't been on since the game.
Actually this was all MY idea. Im the brains, you're the errand-mod. Credit where its due tho, you took direction very well. Now, mod me up some haggis, neeps and tatties. Happy Burns Night everyone(execpt bww who doesnt get to share in the best holiday of the year on account of disrespectful comments made in the past)
Note it goes me then baby. This guy gets it. Not just one of the funniest here, but one of the wisest too.
I believe that I've just been insulted AGAIN!! You've got your bloody nerve ya bloody bastard!! DOWN WITH THE CLAN EVERTON!!! Yeah I'll mod you up some stuff ... here ya go Ev <sticks up middle finger> <again>. LOL
Well duh! Certainly not the wisest but listening to you guys over the years I'm getting wiser everyday. Thanks Ev I tried to tell baby that she should replace the "yoga" banner with one that says "bendy" as you suggested because we could actually appreciate that one Now if I could only get that song "Electric Avenue" out of my fucking head I could be dangerous too.
'Could be' dangerous? You've got to be kidding tuna. You ARE dangerous. Never forget that. Ev is a horrible man with a limited vocabulary, that's why he says bendy. One of these days I'm going to bend him ...