NHL HOF is nuts. I heard they purposely kept Glenn Anderson off the ballot or from enshrinement for years because he didn't pay child support. Apparently in Canada that is a huge thing, so the NHL HOF voters were pissed he did that to his child and basically was on the run from it for years. I think he finally paid it and then he got into the HOF.
A deadbeat dad, is there any one hockey player that gets snubbed the way they do in baseball? Nothing comes to mind except maybe Stevens.
except for Glenn Anderson, no? I'm sure Marty Brodeur's family just loves him ! Wow. What a scumbag. What he did is right out of Jerry Springer.
Brandy Halladay, Roy Halladay's widow, announced Halladay will go into the HOF with no team cap on his plaque. She said she couldn't decide as he loved both teams and cities very much. I'm sure that doesn't sit well with Blue Jays fans. Mike Mussina is torn as well. To me he's an Oriole, but he's undecided on his choice. I didn't realize he was a Yankee so long at 8 years to 10 for the O's.
https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/...-it-comes-to-voting-someone-into-cooperstown/ good article on why hof votes/ballots change and the myths of voting and why isn't Pete Rose in the HOF. The 1 thing they don't tough on and this is what I disagree with is - if you didn't vote for Joe Smith for the HOF for 5 yrs, why are you voting for him now? Don't give me you can only vote for 10 guys crap and guys come off the ballots. Why didn't you vote for Joe SMith and then changed your minds? His stats didn't change, why did you vote for him ? Mike Mussina had a low starting vote total when he was first on the ballot. Why now in year 7 does he get in ? That's what I wanna know besides players being removed from the ballot.
Good question, Catfish... and there is no viable answer, in my opinion. The facts as you stated, simply don't make sense. No way should the changing of minds be so prevelant when the final stats and career of these guy's is and has been history.
*Conspiracy Theory Alert* These writers/voters wait till there is enough funding pledged from friends and family of a particular candidate and then they change their minds when the goal is reached.
now this has never been reported. bribing hof voters to vote for their friend/family member. interesting.
The reasons he gives for vote totals fluctuating are actually sound but there's one more obvious one he overlooked...the makeup of the voting body is not the same every year, and has decreased significantly in recent years. There were almost 600 ballots cast in 2011, only 425 this year. So factor that into it along with the ballot dropoffs, vote limits, and people just flat changing their minds and that all sounds perfectly reasonable. And sometimes players do benefit from someone campaiging on their behalf (e.g., Jonah Keri with Tim Raines). That said I do also believe some of the voters hold off on voting for guys for a year because they consider 1st ballot to be the exclusive purview of the truly elite players, i.e., "he's a Hall of Famer, but not a 1st ballot Hall of Famer" and I think that's a factor, too, just less of one.
On his Pete Rose stance, I would like to ask him the same thing I always ask people who believe Rose shouldn't be allowed in the HOF - if he also feels as strongly that players who are already enshrined that did bad things should be removed from the HOF.
voters changing their minds is allowed obviously u dog but Tom Verducci sits there and says "years ago i just didn't vote for this guy and now i do." why? what changed? i think he meant Mussina. what changed your mind about giving him a vote now besides the openings on the ballot etc? something made you switch. i want to know what it is. why did edgar martinez get voted in on his LAST BALLOT but not his other 9 tries? his totals climbed a ton from year 1 till 10. same with mussina and year 1 to year 7. why ? how does a guy who started out so low climb so fast ?
in the last 25 years of HOF Classes and especially in the last 5-10, there were a bunch of guys I personally didn't think were HOF'ers but Sabermetric stats and lobbying got them in. To me some guys just weren't HOF'ers but my feeble opinion means zilch and i don't have a vote. what's worse is now that Baines got in they are saying McGriff, Murphy, and others will get in on the New Era committee. To me this is wrong. If they didn't get voted in on the real ballot, why are 14 guys voting them in on a special ballot? again - their stats didn't change. it is getting watered down. sorry but it is. im sure sabermetrics will prove me wrong, but the eye test, which is not a real state or voting criteria, to me says a lot. when i watched them play i knew they weren't a HOF'er. nothing about their careers said they were Hall of Fame players and their careers and stats didn't show it either.
On google you could make your way inside the HOF and zoom in. I was face to face with the philly phanatic.
yeah the second floor at the hall is the best part about it. that's where all the cool stuff is. the first floor is the plaque room, gift shop and new exhibits of the new class. for years they didn't even have that so it was mainly empty. the third floor is every WS ring ever, all copies of the MLB Awards and post-season stuff and records. the building needs to be 10 stories if you ask me. i once asked the curator how much stuff is on display. he said "we only show 10% of what we have!" some things they can't keep touching and bringing out due to age and frailness and the rest they don't have enough room for it all to show. 10% wow. they need a bigger building but the building now is smack dab in the middle of a strip of old ass buildings in cooperstown. they can't go upward or sideways. first time there half of it was closed down due to construction. had to use the fire escape to get to each floor. i felt like chevy chase getting to wally world when i got to cooperstown and saw the sign the hall of fame was half closed down. THE MOOSE OUT FRONT SHOULD HAVE TOLD YA ! I was one pissed off guy !
They even have a mini yankee hall of fame at yankee stadium. I drove by cooperstown but didn't have time to drop in, you would have to spend the day there.
hahahaha that's what the brochures say. false. i took my time and was done in 3 hrs. that's how small it is.