Not enough has been said about acrazyfool for the time and effort he put in running the over and under. Needless to say I've been feeling a little guilty because giving away a Bears jersey in a Superbowl contest is nothing and I mean nothing compared to the amount of work put in this year for him trying to squeeze it into his obviously busy schedule that many of us just take for granted. Week after week he delivered creating these weekly contests and grading them. I can tell the struggle got to him towards the end of the season, but he always delivered. So Crazy I want to thank you buddy from the bottom of my heart.
I never played out of superstition, but I sure as fuck appreciated reading every week, and thinking about what I might come in at, on a given number. Awesome numbers chosen each week, by the way - some of those stats / events were super interesting, and way more creative than the crap you'd get elsewhere. Cheers, man.
Did you win??? Did you WIN??? Yeah did you ever! you won when you found us on this board, now go make us all of us a sandwich. Congratulations!!!
You're all crazy. You in particular tuna ... ♥ I guess I never found you guys much on CBS. I was hangin' with a different crowd back then. You should have heard Handicapper on the subject LOL Even when I left the NG board he was still talkin' bout me. Some guys never get over their first loves I guess ...
Agreed. And remember he took up the mantle when Capone was lost in the CBS exodus and has kept it going strong ever since. As someone above pointed out the stats don’t come from nowhere you have to do some research and come up with something good. Given that’s our longest running contest it would be cool to have an icon or something to represent the winner? And who did win this year?
Ok but i def think crazy should get a banner thing for running the comp. I see our esteemed mod has one for running the pickems contest, which lets face it, a trained chimp could run that. In fact just casting an eye at our esteemed mod's avatar etc, i see she has another another banner thingy too. If you can get a banner thing here for teaching bendy classes you should def get one for running a fine comp like crazy does.
LMAO "bendy classes" she now there's a banner that would draw some attention, Seriously "yoga" sounds like a trendy hipster dairy product. I agree there should be a banner for crazy, I second that banner for crazy!
Despite the insults and what have you <insert glare> ... I will approach my Boss and ask him for a lovely banner for crazy. And after that? Ev and tuna you know the way to my office ... just across the train tracks ... <insert smirk>
I do in fact ... So I talked to Tim and he's going to fix crazy up with his own Over/Under banner. Now you ALL owe me ... coz I got it done!! Crazy hasn't been on the site since Jan 7th but hopefully he will come back to see his new banner thingy.
See that's what I'm talking about now today I actually have a reason to drink and celebrate Wooo Hooo!
D'you mean to say that you don't always have a reason to drink and celebrate? Tuna my friend, life is a celebration ... drink drink drink and make merry! When in doubt, follow Bww's lead