Yep. My Dad just finished reading the book when the film came out and I guess he didn't want to hire a sitter for me. I told him, since he read the book, to let me know when all the scary stuff was about to happen.......he forgot all about me when the film started. I love that film cause no film has scared the crap out of me like that one did.
Don't think my HOA is going to approve of something like that. Yet, I'm still intrigued by the thought of trying.
When Johnny Utah is chasing Ronald Reagan (Bodhi) through the houses and alleys, Reagan throws something at Utah - what is it ? he throws one of the home owners dogs, a pitbull i think, at him. ahha.
One more bit of Alien trivia.....the alien that burst from John Hurt's chest was made from a few ingredients including raspberry jam.
i heard the other cast members didn't know it was coming, so the shocked look on their faces was real.
Johnny Utah = The Buckeye! Besides "Johnny" in POINT BREAK, what other movie featured Keannu Reeves playing the part of a former Ohio State Buckeye QB?
There was more than one discussion on these boards (and the old SeeBS) as to who was better, Johnny Utah or Shane Falco.
I was honestly concerned that I may have brought up that question earlier...But I figured oh well. I can't pass up the Johnny Utah reference.
easy one - what coin does DiDi Cohn call out to pick up in Grease that gets Kinicky knocked out of the car race at Thunder Road literally ?
nothing ever wrong with Johnny Utah or Point Break. It's been on cable a lot in the last week ! Pappas and his meatball sub sandwiches at 10 am scene still makes me laugh. "Utah, make it 2!" in the car he says he could've eaten 3 of them ! hahaha
He was supposed to have been a star until he blew it out, while Falco had apparently choked in a clutch situation.