You do realize you were suppose to get off the plane at the terminal don't you? I can certainly understand the confusion of trying to determine who's plane is who's from the runaway and considering you're 3 foot nothing despite packing a lot of torque for your size but once you made the determination of the right plane how to gain access would be impossible.
I'm not even really positive I was supposed to get off the plane. I have no idea. No one stopped me so that usually indicates to me that I'm going the right way. I had to buy another ticket to get to Mexico. People just don't appreciate how difficult it can be when your brain tells you to do one thing but the obvious and right choice is altogether different. I'm 5'1" Mister ... be very very careful who you're insulting here. I'm not afraid to throw some tai chi your way. That's right. I have my sword certification.
I'm going to have to hypnotize that story right outta your heads damnit!! I don't even like Corona. Or any beer really. Just Coors Light.