Howard is running forward and moving the sticks. You get fucking cute and turn it over. When are you gonna fucking learn?
I cannot believe the stupidity of that play. Howard was destroying them, you will still get it. Even if Trubs runs forward, its close to a 1st. But to backwards pass to Cohen who's covered, I just can't even.
That shit is just flat out inexcusable. Its as horrible as it gets and Nagy shouldn't get a pass for it just cos he also does some creative shit.
You have a 240 pound running back, you need two feet. You lose the ball on a double lateral. Just think about that for a second. Think about just how fucked up that really is.
Im tellin you boys, one day Nagy is gonna do this in a huge game and its gonna crush us. One day, somehow someway Nagy is gonna drive a stake through every one of us.
I think Trubs deserves more of the blame by Nagy. It was an RPO and he could have 1) given it to Howard up the middle 2) tried to run but slide short of the first down 3) throw the ball away... And he does none of those things and instead chucks it backwards to a guy who's totally covered.
I don't mean to give Trubisky a pass, but there was nothing on there. And thats not even the point tbh. That playcall was just totally totally unnecessary.
So much this. Nagy gets the fault for dialing up the RPO cuteness, but I doubt he dialed up the backward pass. Amukamara dropped that INT which could have prevented 3 points.
Yep. And the fact i just watched Watson ballin his ass off, doing things Trubisky just can't, the game before really doesn't help. Low point.