Josh Bellamy...a guy that plays something like 20% of snaps or 2nd on this team in penalties.
Time for Nagy to prove he can actually coach in game adjustments. So far this season he has proved over and over he believes in his system and will run it regardless of what he sees in game. This can be sometimes good and sometimes bad This week, there is an obvious adjustment. You’ve GOT to attack them with Jordan Howard between the tackles. We saw some success with it and trubisky looks horrible. Don’t be stubborn Nagy. you can beat them with Howard.
I would love to pound Howard in the second half. Especially given that every time Trubs winds up and throws I'm dreading a pick.
I’m so confident Howard will get so few second half carries I’m going on record as saying I will do a shot of Jack every time he has a carry in the 2nd half.
I do want to see more blitzing in the second half. Don't be afraid to Fangio, it will work, their o-line is banged up and Goff a statue.
I started drinking at 11 but took a break during the 3PM games so I’m only slightly tipsy at the moment.