If there is without a doubt evidence then that player should be permanently banned from the NFL. If I had a good job making $50,000 or more a year, I would be immediately fired from my job and never given another chance even with another competing company.
Not only is this statement not factual at all....it's actually quite dumb and ignorant. WHY ??? Oh please tell us WHY this is Not Factual ??? and why is Dumb Forest Gump.....lol
Do you think that every single man that's ever punched or kicked a woman has lost his job because of it? Because that's the only way Gid's statement could be fact.
If there is without a doubt evidence then that player should be permanently banned from the NFL. Obviously you did not read his Post............PLAYER Do you think that every single man that's ever punched or kicked a woman has lost his job because of it? If ANY Man punches or kicks a Woman.....He is not a Man and I can't believe you would promote the action.
Obviously I did read it...and obviously this is the part of importance to me... If I had a good job making $50,000 or more a year, I would be immediately fired from my job and never given another chance even with another competing company. That is not a factual statement. Which is what I was responding to. Try to keep up. Where in anything I typed did I "promote" or condone violence against women? Please point it out.
You asked the question......... Do you think that every single man that's ever punched or kicked a woman has lost his job because of it? I don't know ANY Men who kick or punch Woman.
That has nothing to do with the subject or what I just said to you. And you don't need to personally know any men that have committed violent acts against women in order to answer the question I asked. You said you can't believe I would "promote" violence against women. Please point out where I typed anything that promoted violence against women....or admit you were wrong and shut the fuck up.
And to the original point....Gid is factually wrong because violence against women doesn't equal losing your job in every day life. Not automatically. That isn't me condoning hitting women. It's me saying something that is actually factual.
Still not factual because you can't prove a negative. What if the person working a good job making $50,000 punched a woman...got caught on video doing so and was charged with a crime....but his place of work never found out about it?
What if the man that committed the crime had a job in a strong union? What if his boss simply didn't care? See where I'm going with this? You probably don't.
Obviously I’m assuming that they press charges, because anyone could hit a woman and if no charges were levied, then their workplace wouldn’t find out about it.
Even with charges filed there's no absolute guarantee your employer would find out. What if he works monday through friday and got arrested on Friday evening...spent the weekend in jail...got bailed out Monday morning and called in sick. And...more to the point....the employer finding out DOES NOT equal automatic termination.
Again, not factual. In some jobs...yeah probably. But not every employer is going to terminate someone based on an arrest that happened away from the workplace. I personally have seen cops come to a workplace and arrest a co-worker for something that co-worker did away from workplace...and that same co-worker was back at work two weeks later. Nothing about this is black and white and throwing out absolutes will just make you look silly. But...you're used to that so please carry on.