But you know Trubisky should have been in there so it should never have been a discussion about how Chase played. Nagy tried to buy a game. He then fucked his team over. The other team quit. We could have played back-ups and run the ball and the clock out in the 2nd half and won. This is 99% on Nagy and 1% on a back-up QB who pretty much played like a back-up.
That's if Trubs could have actually played, which I'm not convinced he could have. I'm not trying to absolve Nagy by any means for how poorly he managed this game. After the TO at the end of the first half, the worst decision he made was not going for 2 at the end of regulation. Giants had a TD in OT and dropped the ball. Bears were lucky to even get an offensive possession. The D was beaten badly on the drive, as they were for most of the second half. The game should have been won or lost in regulation. Remember the old adage on the road play for the win.