Logic: "The giants are beaten up and want to run out the clock. Let's head to the locker with all the momentum and a solid lead." Nagy: "Nah, fuck it. Let's call a timeout and give them a shot to get into FG range. Their kicker can'y only make them from 65." Logic: "Lets get a play in before the end of the quarter, we're down 10 and need every second left." Nagy: "Nah, we're good. Let's let the clock run out"
He's had a really rough game today. But this starts and stops with Nagy. He completely fucked over his team at the end of that 1st half.
What kills me, is how great he is at not throwing the ball away and instead taking a sack. He's got it down to a fucking science. He's obviously terrified of throwing the picks. He's hot garbage. We win this game with Trubs, even with Nagy cuteness and stupidity.
Is it me or does Robinson appear to be wearing dress shoes out there? Slipping around every time he cuts.
Bad throw, way underthrown, but great adjustment by Cohen. That whistle blew too early and should been a TD.