At last...... GAME!!!!! I know the 2nd half was tough, but you don't own 4Q's against good teams and the Vikings are a good team. Great job on the win guys. Defense A+ Night folks!
Is this a signature win? Sure as hell doesn't feel like it. Maybe I'll feel differently in the morning. But first place in NFC North and fucking 7-3!
Listen, the offense struggled big and trubs threw some clunkers, but he did also make some clutch throws for some 1st downs in the second half. they got a lot to work on, but the Vikings defense is "on paper" better than the Bears so to do as well as they did is a positie sign.
Nice win. Trubisky not at his best but did enough against a tough defense. Speaking of defense way for ours to step up. Game got close at the end but was never really in doubt.
Hicks has had a very good career with the Bears, tonight was the best game he's played for us. We would not have won it without him.
Yeah the offense struggled but they struggled against a legit nfl defense The Bears defense made the difference First place. Bear down.
That doesn't exactly make me feel better about their struggles. I was hoping tonight would be the game where Mitch showed the nation he was the real deal. But this is still a huge win. We are finally winning games in the NFC North.
It sucks that the offense completely dissapeared in the second half, but the Vikings are a top 5 defense and ZImmer is an elite defensive coach. Sometimes you gotta give them props. Bear the fuck down, 7-3
I see some more “mother henning” and general jackassery has pushed another great (quality) and long time poster off this site. Good job, Bears fans. #rediiisrediiisrediiis
Why don't you leave this to the concerned parties? I think you and I both know you're not going to help anything.
Why don’t you work on yourself since you seem to be a prime catalyst (not a positive one) in this affair. Thanks for the unsolicited advice though.
If that one small interaction made him leave the site....that says a lot more about him and his obviously thin skin than anyone else.
We seem to be giving people advice. Why don't you stop acting like a pussyass and make good with your avatar, you bet dodging little weasel.