We've hardly blitzed at all in the 4th quarter, especially on those 4th down plays, after blitzing so effectively earlier. I put it on Fangio letting his foot off the gas.
A W is a W at the end of the day. From what I saw and the Box score Trubisky looked really really good so thats a Plus. Being a home game I think we have a decent shot next week against the Vikings, I'd say its 50/50 but I'm betting we open as 3pt favorites.
This was a must win game and we won. Next week is also a must win game if we want to be a playoff team. If we lose next week I don't think we'll win another divisional game in 2018.
If we'd been offered that score pre game would you have taken it? I know i would. Its just the fact they were 26 up thats taken the shine off a bit. But its a divisional game and a win, thats what matters most. Trubisky had an outstanding game. And i was pleased to see Robinson have his first truly big game. WR's need that. The running game was terrible tho. Long is being missed badly. They're gonna wish they had more there next week, cos Zimmer and that pass D is gonna life real tough for Turbisky.
Guys....we now have more wins this season, than we have in how many years? For sure the last few.... and the season's only half over.
Ok... I have 4 questions: 1) Am I the only one who saw the blatant horse collar and slam down 5 yards out of bounds on the turnover that somehow the refs missed? I was 65 yards away in the 200 level on the other side of the field and I saw it. 2) Did we really get an unsportsmanlike conduct for spinning the ball after a first down? 3) Why was Fuller called for illegal contact on a near perfect pass tip? 4) On the "clear as fucking day" fumble that the refs called down by contact, did we throw the red flag before the snap? And.... why were the refs trying so fucking hard to hurry up the play for the Lions? Guess that's 5 questions.... Shit, one more. How in the fuck did they call roughing the passer on us and somehow completely miss the fact that he was being held the entire fucking time? I'll watch the game tomorrow on replay, but wanted to get your guys thoughts.
By the way, Parker just set a record. It may even be one of those "never can be broken" records.... At one point I looked at the scoreboard and realized if the refs were such incompetent fuck-holes, and ParkeR could kick a fucking ball, we'd be up 42-3.
I mentioned it in this thread right when it happened. Should have been two flags on that play. We did and earlier in the game Golladay spun the ball after a first down catch with no flag. That called it on the ticky tack contact that happened five yards back from where the ball ended up. I never got a look at when the flag was thrown....Fox never showed replay of it either.
Yes you did, I just think the ref's missed that as he went backwards out of bounds. Yes you did, I thought when they showed the replay he may of taunted him but no he spun the ball and signaled 1st down. That was a nice play on the ball but their was contact just prior to the brief separation during the route, but I've seen worse contact not even called. They never showed the replay of when the flag came out, and because ref's in general just suck. If the NFL ever changes the rules where hitting the upright or crossbar is two points then we have a kicker until then fuck you Parkey.
I just want to watch a game where refs don't make so many blatant mistakes. And honestly, I think they made some mistakes against the Lions as well. There fuck up on the fumble, in any other game, could be the difference in a win or loss. And in this one, it was the difference between a team ready to call it quits and a team who felt they still had a chance.
In the MLB, if you hit the pole, it counts as a homer and you sometimes get a standing O. In the NFL, it means you sucked, you get booed, it could be the end of a kickers career...