These days i don't much visit the old propaganda factory that is the team website. But today i did and i came across something pretty interesting. You guys know ive been critical of Nagy, and there are def some big questions i still have about him. But watch this vid and then tell me you're not impressed/there's not a lot there to like.
Lot of positivity. Lots of encouragement. Dare I say juiceboxes for everyone? I want to see how he handles himself when things aren't going so well. Is his energy and positivity the same? If so,is that a good thing?
I really liked his confidence and assurance and I think the way he talks to Trubisky is really important. It sounded to me like he understands how much validation and support Trubisky needs at this point in his career. I really enjoyed this, thanks Ev!
I like how engaged he is with the whole team and not just the offense. That is always a worry when your HC calls the offense. He is definitely an energetic, positive energy type personality and I think that works best with the generation of kids that he is coaching.
I like that he told Mitch he was going to challenge him , they have respect for him as everyone replied " yes sir " , he's engaged on both sides of the ball it appears as well. How does he react when it's not going the right way ??? well I guess if they do another mic'd up and their losing we may know , but my guess is we probably won't see that one . Every week is a new challenge in the NFL , for now he appears to have a grasp on things as we look for afar .
I get your point, but there's no way they're going to show that on the blow sunshine up your ass team site. You see some glimpses of him getting fired up. Constrast that with this fucking guy: - I couldn't find any videos of him actually mic'd up but this is the kind of laid back bullshit he spewed the whole time. I also found this article discussing the vid:
You have to be impressed with what a ball of energy Nagy is. And i liked how he really seemed to have time for anybody. Whether it was kids on the sideline, minor support staff, or players. The message is that he's approachable and his players will see that. What i found interesting was that, in these clips at least, almost all the players he talks to pre game + Howard in-game, are guys who haven't been playing well and/or contributing much to the team. He spoke to Amos, who hasn't played well this season imo. He spoke to Floyd and tried to lighten the load mentally by just telling to try and have fun(exactly right just before kickoff). He told Howard he's gonna have his back. He told Lynch to have fun and relax when he may have felt tight considering he was having to replace Mack. And given how Trubisky bounced back in the 2nd half you HAVE to give Nagy some of the credit for the pep talk he gave him. Nagy's approach to Trubisky is all about positive re-enforcement and belief. I don't like Nagy saying in a PC he wouldn't bench Trubisky if he threw 5 1sthalf picks, but i can at least concede i know why he's doing it. The difference is Juicebox never led by example and he never really tried to inspire anyone. That type of energy is often infectious. And it cant be faked, its either your personality or it isn't. With Nagy it is. But i agree about the other part. I was really hoping to see his response to Jackson's bonehead PF. Im all for being positive and energetic, but im also all for accountability. When someone screws up and hurts the team they have to know the HC isn't happy about it. The other players have to see that if they don't do their jobs the HC will be on their ass. A slight level of fear of a HC is no bad thing imo. I haven't seen that yet from Nagy. I don't really like this statement, but i do agree with it. This gen does respond best to that type of personality. The age of the hardass coach is over, because players are so soft, sensitive and in many cases egocentric these days.