I think it's safe to say Floyd has been the most disappointing Bear of 2018. Especially after the Mack trade, that should have benefitted him more than any other member of the defense. He's not even using his wingspan and athleticism to bat down balls at the LOS.
I think he's so focused on getting to the QB, and frustrated by his lack of ability to do so, it's taken his mind off other ways he can still make a play.
Fangio is going to have to figure out how to get something out of him, otherwise he shouldn't be on the field. If that means dropping him into coverage, maybe playing more conventional LB, spying a mobile QB, or making more of an effort to disrupt passes at the LOS. Fangio will have to figure it out and coach him to do it. He has to realize by now that he's just not a good pass rusher, and is wasting space on the defense when he tries to do so. We'll see how Fangio decides to use him going forward.
Has he been consistently playing like this? After a week off he should have come in ready to blow people off that field.
He consistently has been a non-factor in pass rush all season. Not for lack of trying, he is, he's just not succeeding.
He's typically way too wide to bat down a ball. He comes in at wide angles because all he has is his speed but even that doesn't work. Doesn't know how to get his pads low....doesn't know how to use leverage. He's got one move....the McClellin spin and that's about as effective as it was for Shea.
Size or quickness. Floyd has always been a lengthy player who never really showed the pass-rushing bend that you see from star pass rushers. He does have the ability to run with offensive skill players, and has shown coverage ability, so I really think he's best utilized there. But the aspirations for him as a pass rusher were that he would put on size, and be able to utilize his quickness to leverage OT's as they overcommitted, or shoot past them if they were slow. However, not only has he not gotten any bigger (he's just too small to be an effective pass rusher), but he hasn't put his quickness to use in a way that threatens OT's. His hand work was talked about in the offseason, but now that the club is off, it really seems much ado about nothing. Is he doing a better job of preventing OT's from latching on to him? Sure. Is he actually moving past them? No. He's just fighting in place, which has the same effect as being blocked. Across from him is the best pass rusher in the NFL. If there's an example of what Floyd should be doing, that's it. Obviously, Floyd won't ever have that size/strength, but you want him to be able to have that kind of impact, especially since he's seeing one-on-one's.
The thing is a lot of the passes we've seen have been quick outs or horizontal screens to try to neutralize our rush. He should be in position to bat those down even with the wide angles he's taking.
After an entire offseason off Floyd hasn't blown anyone off the field, and after a week off nobody on the defense appeared to blow people off the field. So since they appeared to take off last week let's see what 2 weeks off does for this defense.
What the hell guys, I'm a bit surprised at this thread. Not saying the Bears are world beaters, but are they "who you thought they were"? I mean fuck people, the Dolphins are not a bad team this year. Yeah, it was a ridiculous up and down game for sure, and I was as pissed as anyone at the end of it - but it's not like they were blown out 30-3 - the frustrating part is an inability to close the fucking deal and coming out flat. That and I guess the "up by a touchdown" and fucking 10 seconds later, "nope, tied again, sorry offense". The Patriots likely are going to win the game because Belichek/Brady are formidible and Nagy has some real problems to fix. But at the same time, WTF? This thread reads like the season is over and they might as well "not take the damn field" against the Pats. Only our resident cheerleader Bigrobo is on board?? Do you honestly believe the Bears have no chance and can't rebound? Vegas has the Bears as a 3 point dog at home, CBS picks the Bears to win and a few others too. I wouldn't bet money on this one, but at the least I expect something respectable. Keep in mind, there WERE some positives that came out of this game. 1. Trubs is making progress. Yeah he had some boneheaded throws but the second half he did not have the "deer in headlights" look, I wasn't worried about him having the ball in his hands with a chance to win. 2. The offense put up 28 points. That should fucking be enough to win. Earlier this season I thought we were headed for shades of 2005 Kyle Orton captain checkdown. That did NOT happen against Miami, even if the first half was shitty. 3. The defense DID have that great stop in OT, that was a big moment and could have won the game, especially when the offense drove most of the field right after. 4. Miami's special teams was really good headed into this game, and the Bears played solid if unspectacular on the returns. I don't think this Defense is complete crap after the crap performance, I DO think they can bounce back. If the Offense continues to improve this team is VASTLY improved over last year. I DO think they can make a valiant stand against the Pats even if they probably will lose. I want to see how they react, a week of Chicago media, what did Nagy actually do in the locker room vs. these pissant pressers, etc. My opinion hasn't super changed from prior to Miami, I think we're looking at an outside chance at the wildcard, 8-10 wins. I have the same concerns about Nagy, the Offense, and the Defense (particularly the tackling / giving up the big plays after the catch). But I also think game fucking 5 with a 3-2 record is a bit fucking soon to be throwing in the towel. Fucking hell.
Also, I'm probably overreacting myself there, as I agree with about 90% of this thread, particularly when it comes to Nagy. Such is being a fan.
The inability of this team to close out and finish a game yet again was like a cold dagger to a warm heart. It's hard to build confidence with a team as submissive as this one. The Bears right now are nothing more than the fat girl at the end of the bar at closing time.