Over / Under - Week 5 - Dolphins

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by acrazyfool, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Feel free to join at anytime, for end of season rankings 50% participation is required.

    Season standings (top 10):
    acrazyfool 75%
    firehalo 70%
    Mongo_76 62.5%
    tunafat 62.5%
    vvarder 67.5%
    3rdGenBearsFan 60%
    AmericanFlyer1 65%
    babyfan 62.5%
    BearsWillWin 65%
    bigrobo876 62.5%

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 -
    Howard touches - 16.5 -
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 -
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 -
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 -
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 -
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 -
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 -
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 -
  2. Mongo_76 Guest

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER - Tannehill is a fumble machine and his Oline is a disaster.
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER - When a team plays the wide 9, you run it up the B gap
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER - Nagy seems to understand importance of the ball. We're #3 in NFL with only 5 TO's
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER - He's had the over on this 3 of 4 games this year.
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER - If Cam Wake is injured, they really don't have a pass rush.
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER - they have a decent secondary. And We're gonna run a lot.
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 - UNDER - Dolphins have 1 RTD on the season
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER - 3 of 4 games so far he's hit the over.
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER - McCain is injured. And even if he plays, he'll be hampered.
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - OVER - Just look at that Oline....
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 UNDER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - UNDER
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - UNDER (hope I'm wrong)
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - OVER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 UNDER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - UNDER
  5. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - Over
    Howard touches - 16.5 - Over
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - Under
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - Over
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - Under
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - Under
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 Under
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 Under
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - Over
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - Over
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - Under
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 UNDER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 OVER
  7. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 - OVER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 - OVER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - UNDER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - OVER
  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - Over
    Howard touches - 16.5 - Over
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - Under
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - Over
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - Over
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - Under
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 Over
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 Under
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - Over
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - Under
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - Over
  9. firehalo Guest

    Mack FF (0.5): Under
    Howard touches (16.5): Over
    Bears Offense Turnovers (1.5): Over
    Trevathan Tackles (4.5): Over
    Fins Sacks (2.5): Under
    Trubisky Passing Yds (265.5): Over
    Rushing TDs Allowed (0.5): Over
    Bears Points scored - 1st Possesions - 1st/2nd Half (9.5): Under
    Trubisky Longest Run (10.5): Over
    Robinson Receptions (5.5): Under
    Bears Sacks NOT Mack (1.5): Under
  10. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - UNDER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 OVER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - UNDER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - OVER
  11. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - UNDER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 - UNDER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - UNDER
  12. ginny Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 -over
    Howard touches - 16.5 -over
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 -under
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 -over
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 -under
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 -under
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 -over
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 -under
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 -over
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 -over
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 -under
  13. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 -UNDER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 -OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - OVER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - UNDER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 - UNDER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5- UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 -OVER
  14. AmericanFlyer1 Franchise Player Bears

    Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - OVER
    Howard touches - 16.5 - OVER
    Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - UNDER
    Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - OVER
    Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - OVER
    Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 OVER
    Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 UNDER
    Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER
    Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - OVER
  15. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I finally worked up the nerve to finish off this week.


    1 Mack forced fumbles - 0.5 - UNDER (0)
    2 Howard touches - 16.5 - UNDER (14)
    3 Bears offensive turnovers - 1.5 - OVER (3)
    4 Danny Trevathan tackles - 4.5 - UNDER (3)
    5 Dolphins sacks - 2.5 - UNDER (2)
    6 Trubisky passing yards - 265.5 - OVER (316)
    7 Bears rushing TDs allowed - 0.5 UNDER (0)
    8 Bears points scored on opening possession of 1st and 2nd halfs - 9.5 UNDER (7)
    9 Trubisky longest rush - 10.5 - OVER (28)
    10 Allen Robinson receptions - 5.5 - UNDER (5)
    11 Bonus: Bears sacks NOT from Mack or Hicks - 1.5 - UNDER (0)

    Boonie120HB 8
    firehalo 8
    blang84 7
    bigrobo876 6
    babyfan 6
    Bear-man 11 6
    BearsWillWin 5
    acrazyfool 5
    AmericanFlyer1 5
    ginny 5
    Mongo_76 5
    tunafat 4
    vvarder 4

    firehalo 72%
    acrazyfool 70%
    Boonie120HB 66%
    blang84 62.5%
    BearsWillWin 62%
    bigrobo876 62%
    babyfan 62%
    vvarder 62%
    Mongo_76 60%
    AmericanFlyer1 60%
    3rdGenBearsFan 60%
    tunafat 58%
    Bear-man 11 57.5%
    ginny 52%
    Go Bearsssss 50%
  16. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Thanks for doing this acrazyfool!

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