The last two times were in 2010 and 2014. Different time, different rosters. I don’t take into account what happened that long ago.
I like it NFL Week #7 Khalil Mack presents "The Tom Brady Retirement Party" Looks like a winner, but like 3rd says, I'll believe it when I see it, and I really do want to see it.
crushing him when he was an old fuck brought me little joy. I wanted... needed... to see the Bears do that to him sometime during that stretch where he owned us, but all they ever did was bend over and take it from him.
Bww the least you can do is to share videos that ALL of us can watch!! This is the 2nd time this week that I can't see what you've posted.
Umm ... bite me? Yeah. You too. Bite me ... Horrible men. Are ALL Bears fans like you guys? You're all HORRIBLE!! I'm going to go clean out my igloo ...
Baby you've driven a van full of beer across two borders from Mexico and into Canada, and somehow you can't follow a link to the YouTube site. When that happens again just click the link inside that says "Watch on YouTube"
What the ... 1. Thank you for the offer gidion. You're very kind. Unlike these horrible men ... 2. Thank you tuna. I just watched my 2nd favourite quarterback get smashed by 1000s of pounds of Bear ... and this is supposed to make me feel better how? 3. tuna I am going to erase your memory!! 4. Bww ... ugh. I have nothing. You're like the King of Horrible Men. You know what I wonder? How is it that even with all the ridiculous and copious amount of booze that you guys all drink do you remember 1 stupid story that I told you years ago??? You can remember that story but you can't remember all the nice stuff I've done? Grrr ... I'm going to ... I can ... <can feel her head about to explode ... again> I'm going to tell @Tim !!!