Over / Under - Week 2 - Seahawks

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by acrazyfool, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Feel free to join at anytime, for end of season rankings 50% participation is required.

    firehalo 9
    ginny 8
    tunafat 8
    bigrobo876 7
    acrazyfool 7
    Bear-man 11 6
    blang84 6
    Boonie120HB 6
    3rdGenBearsFan 6

    Week 2 Stats:
    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 -
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 -
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 -
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 -
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 -
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 -
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 -
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 -
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 -
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 -
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 -
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
    babyfan likes this.
  2. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Week 2 Stats:
    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 -UNDER
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - UNDER
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - OVER
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - UNDER
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - OVER
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - OVER
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - UNDER
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER (but man, this depends on the crew).
  3. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Week 2 Stats:
    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 -
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - Over
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Under
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Over
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Under
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 -Over
  4. firehalo Guest

    2nd Half sacks - under
    2nd Half offense points - under
    Howard ypc - under
    Mirer TD passes - under
    Marshall receptions - over
    RSmitty tackles - over
    Seattle 3rd down % - under
    Longest play Seattle - over (Lockett)
    Longest play Chicago - under
    Total pts combined - over
    Bonus: Penalties caused by Mack - over
  5. Mongo_76 Guest

    I don't understand these "or OT" notes. There is literally no way the Bears can score over 9.5 in OT.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 - UNDER
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - OVER
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - OVER
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - OVER
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - OVER
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - OVER
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - OVER
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER
  7. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I think it's meant to be second half plus OT.
  8. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    Correct. Sorry it wasn't clear.
    Mongo_76 likes this.
  9. Mongo_76 Guest

    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Over
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Over
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Under
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Under
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 Over
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 -Over
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER
  10. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Over
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Over
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Under
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Over
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Over
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Over
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Over
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - Over
  11. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    This another example of you not trolling?

    You gonna start crying again if one of us points out that you are, in fact, trolling with this comment?
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  12. firehalo Guest

    Small trolling... guilty as charged. At least I refrain from calling you guys fucking retards.
  13. Boonie120HB Part Time Starter Bears

    Week 2 Stats:
    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Under
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Under
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Over
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Under
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Under
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Under
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - Over
  14. firehalo Guest

    You drop bait... I drop bait. We all drop bait.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Could you reduce your trolling to just one thread on this board and stop being such a c unt?
    dlinebass5 likes this.
  16. firehalo Guest

    The Trubisky/Mirer comparison was legit. I crossed the line with the Over/Under.

  17. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Let me stop you right there. I don't troll other teams boards"." You know ive been on the Steelers board on and off discussing the Bostic thread and i haven't once trolled, i just discuss football. You troll other boards, thats been established now. Don't try to make out we're the same, we're not.

    Also, i always pay my bets. And I never run to the teacher. Clearly we're not the same, so you can forget about trying to drag me down to your level.
  18. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    That’s halo’s term for cruising Boys’ Town with his fly unzipped.
  19. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - OVER
    Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - OVER
    Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - UNDER
    Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - OVER
    Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - UNDER
    Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - UNDER
    Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - OVER
    Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER
    Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER
    Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER
  20. firehalo Guest

    I miss the “brrrpty drrrpty” days. Give us one more for the road.

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