Feel free to join at anytime, for end of season rankings 50% participation is required. Standings: firehalo 9 ginny 8 tunafat 8 bigrobo876 7 acrazyfool 7 Bear-man 11 6 blang84 6 Boonie120HB 6 3rdGenBearsFan 6 .... Week 2 Stats: Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 -
Week 2 Stats: Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 -UNDER Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - UNDER Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - OVER Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - UNDER Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - OVER Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - OVER Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - UNDER Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER (but man, this depends on the crew).
Week 2 Stats: Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 - Over Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - Over Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Under Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Over Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Under Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 -Over
2nd Half sacks - under 2nd Half offense points - under Howard ypc - under Mirer TD passes - under Marshall receptions - over RSmitty tackles - over Seattle 3rd down % - under Longest play Seattle - over (Lockett) Longest play Chicago - under Total pts combined - over Bonus: Penalties caused by Mack - over
I don't understand these "or OT" notes. There is literally no way the Bears can score over 9.5 in OT.
Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (or OT) - 1.5 - UNDER Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (or OT) - 9.5 - OVER Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - OVER Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - OVER Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - OVER Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - OVER Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - OVER Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER
Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Over Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Over Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Under Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Under Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 Over Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 -Over Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER
Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Over Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Over Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Under Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Over Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Over Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Over Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Over Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Over Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - Over
This another example of you not trolling? You gonna start crying again if one of us points out that you are, in fact, trolling with this comment?
Week 2 Stats: Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - Under Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - Under Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - Over Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - Under Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - Over Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - Under Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - Under Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - Under Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - Under Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - Over Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - Over
Let me stop you right there. I don't troll other teams boards"." You know ive been on the Steelers board on and off discussing the Bostic thread and i haven't once trolled, i just discuss football. You troll other boards, thats been established now. Don't try to make out we're the same, we're not. Also, i always pay my bets. And I never run to the teacher. Clearly we're not the same, so you can forget about trying to drag me down to your level.
Bears defense sacks in the 2nd half (+OT) - 1.5 - OVER Bears offense points scored in 2nd half (+OT) - 9.5 - OVER Howard yards per carry - 4.5 - UNDER Trubisky Passing TDs - 1.5 - OVER Brandon Marshall receptions - 3.5 - UNDER Roquan Smith tackles - 3.5 - UNDER Seattle 3rd down efficiency - 33.5 - OVER Longest play given up by the Bear defense - 39.5 - UNDER Longest play made by the Bear offense - 39.5 - UNDER Total points scored (both teams) - 30.5 - OVER Bonus: Holding or False Start penalties drawn by Mack - 1.5 - OVER