movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Catfish Guest

    in The Shawshank Redemption - how much is the rock hammer at any rock and gem shop ? how much did Red charge Andy for getting it ?

    Another thing they don't explain. it's 1948. how does Andy get the money to pay for it? they make pennies a day, so how does he get that much so soon ? same as the cigarettes i mentioned a few weeks ago.
  2. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    $7 in any rock and gem shop; Red charged $10.

    I don't know how the money/cash system works in prison so you can barter with inmates, guards, or purchase convenience items in the commissary (if they even had those back in 1948).
  3. Catfish Guest

    true axe but red said "it was a month before Andy spoke to someone and that someone was me." so how is Andy getting $10, which is a ton of money in prison, after only 1 month in 1948, when he stayed by himself and didn't talk to anyone ? he had nothing to barter with bc he was new. and Red gave Brooks a pack of cigarettes for taking the rock hammer 10 feet to Andy. Seems a bit high of a price for that gesture.
  4. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Ummm...I know. That's why I said I don't know how the money/cash system works.
    Catfish likes this.
  5. SteelPumpkin75 Home Town Favorite Steelers

    I had 48 more guesses
  6. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    In Bull Durham, what was the Bulls record when the manager has his bat throwing tirade in the locker room?
  7. Catfish Guest

    you'll get nothing and like it !
  8. Catfish Guest

    8-16 ?
  9. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Catfish likes this.
  10. SteelPumpkin75 Home Town Favorite Steelers

  11. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

  12. Catfish Guest

    in the movie Smokey and the Bandit - what brand of beer did they transport to the carnival ?

  13. SteelPumpkin75 Home Town Favorite Steelers

    Saratoga Suds
  14. Catfish Guest

  15. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    SteelPumpkin75 likes this.
  16. Catfish Guest

    yep-the Banquet Beer ! Nice job Lyman. The floor is yours.
  17. Lyman "Franchise Asshole" Browns Buckeyes

    I'll defer.
  18. Catfish Guest

    ok - in the Shawshank Redemption - what is the b&w movie they watch with Rita Hayworth in it ?
  19. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    SteelPumpkin75 and Catfish like this.
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    In the story Stephen King wrote it's explained that Andy brought around $500 into the prison with him.

    "He brought in five hundred dollars jammed up his back porch" is the exact quote. Never touched on in the movie.
    Catfish and AxeMurderer like this.

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