I'm surprised he wasn't drooling on himself. I guess Favre wasn't the only Packer who liked to play on mass amount of Vicodin.
Would make sense. Radio this morning said he’s likely out this weekend but all official reports say he could play.
Like I said in the other thread.. this happens all the fucking time. Close ups of the injured part.. drama.. limping around... drama... WOW! Her highness Erin is back on the field! The script also always seems to coincide with Christine Collinsworth doing narration. I swear this shit is scripted.
So you guys think Rodgers faked his injury just so he could come back into the game trailing and stab the heart of bears fans everywhere?
No, don't be silly. They were genuinely concerned initially. Then after they took him away and tested him, realised he was fine. Then when he came back Disney's newest writer in the SNF commentary booth went to work. Cos its not enough to have a football game anymore, you have to have a magical yarn to spin around it as well to make the whole thing extra special. Wait, you didn't really think AP came back from that devastating knee injury in like 7months and even stronger than ever without the help of HGH, did you? LOL
He was definitely favouring his injured knee during the last quarter. He didn't even have both feet planted when he was throwing.
Are you suggesting that AR was using an illegal substance during the game, or was it a league approved pain killer? Is there proof of this ... myth? No football player is going to do a “Hollywood” move like take themselves out of the game only to come back in just to crush the morale of the opposing team by just reappearing. The star player leaving the game for any snaps puts their own team at disadvantage and risks losing the game. Not trying to be cruel here, but that’s delusional. Aaron Rodgers has you guys a little fucked up. This is similar to my old Flacco/TorreySmith/DPI conspiracy a few years ago. I’m better now. Good luck.
All I'm saying is I'm sure they gave him something real good to help with whatever pain he was in at half time. You cant tell me he isn't on something in that interview. I don't blame him. I'd do the same thing if it would allow me to play.
I'd be in the tent with a bong and if I make it back to the game cool, if I don't cool, it's all good.
Rodgers was healthy enough to get up and walk off. When he was being carted off, he wasn't grimacing, crying, having the medical team treat him / keep something elevated or in place, etc... They wanted to make sure their franchise, and the only difference between a top 5 draft pick and an NFC playoff run, was okay. They were willing to give him a few drives to see exactly what was wrong. They checked him out, shot him, got him on the field. He wasn't that hurt to begin with, and they were being (rightfully) overcautious. That's what is being said. Not sure why it's so hard to understand - I think it's pretty relatable. Does anyone disagree with that assessment?
Nope not at all. I agree completely. They said the only reason he was carted off is because he's Aaron Rogers. If it was pretty much anyone else they would have walked their happy asses into the locker room.
Rodgers sprained his knee. How bad? Who knows. The Pack are being hush hush about it and I don’t think they did an MRI. They are probably scared as hell there is some damage there but they will wait to see how he feels as the week goes on. Either way it’s an injury that takes rest not surgery so waiting to the last minute doesn’t do any harm.
Dude... what? Do you honestly think they would risk further tearing anything by “seeing how it goes”? They probably had the God damn MRI machine revving up the second he grabbed his knee.
Completely agree. And it reminds me of 2010 when Cutler hurt his knee. Comparing and contrasting how each of these guys handled a knee booboo tells you everythign you need to know about why we've had shit QB's the last 50 years. That piece of shit.