Morning after thoughts

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Fuck you Kyle Fuller. You played like crap once the pass rush disappeared and you had the game winning INT hit you in the fucking chest. We should have let the Packers have you.

    Nick Kwiicantspellhislastname got exposed badly all 2nd half and Fangio didn’t adjust.

    At one point in the second half Trubisky had completed 8 of 11 passes but only had 26 yards. That’s not an NFL offense. Too much cute stuff and not enough moving the ball. The run game was effective...Howard and Cohen ran 20 times for over 100 yards. Why not cram it down their throats?

    Why was Sims out catching passes when you paid for Burton? Sims can’t run routes...he can barely catch. Why go to him on critical 3rd downs?

    Trubisky look scared, shook, and out of his league in the second half. Anytime they put the camera on his face he looked like a guy that didn’t want to be where he was. That’s alarming to me.

    I think Trubisky got sacked 4 times and I think they were all on him. At times he showed really good pocket IQ and then later he showed next to none.

    Howard should have gotten the ball 25 times. He looked good catching passes though.

    This loss hits harder than any other recent game I can think of.

    Rodgers was not as badly hurt as he played off. Sorry, I’m not buying it. Packers carted him off to go get X-rays and so on but he clearly was good enough to play. The Willis Reed shit is dumb. Willis Reed played a game with a torn thigh muscle that forced him to miss the previous game. Aaron Rodgers missed a couple drives with what was probably a bruise or something of that nature. Maybe a strain. I don’t know but it doesn’t compare to what Reed did.

    Hey shocker...we have a kicker. He didn’t miss anything. Barf no more.

    Everyone in the Bears fan fantasy league knows my team name is Die Virginia, Please. And I’m sorry to be a dick....but she needs to. She’s lived a good, long life. She’s 95 years old. Time to check out.

    What was Eddie Jackson doing on the game winning touchdown? If he plays the man...he makes a tackle. It would have been a first down but not a crippling touchdown. What was Khalil Mack doing? He rushes the passer and was pushing his guy backward than bailed out to cover the flat even though the flat was covered. Could have hurried Rodgers with a legit rush there. That was a colossal breakdown that only the Bears playing the Packers could do. Why do these games always come down to long touchdowns for the Packers late in the game?

    Move Whitehair to guard and play Daniels at center. Whitehair can’t snap a fucking football.

    Roquan Smith needs to start next week. Kick K wasn’t anything close to good last night.

    Mack needs to be in every down. Lynch was useless.

    Cornerback play was awful.

    The Seahawks will see this film and know if they can avoid the pass rush they will be able to move the ball. And Russell Wilson knows how to avoid the pass rush. Last night at half time I felt like we could conquer the I’m wondering how many points we will lose by next week.
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Historically...the Packers were 0-111 when entering the 4th quarter down 17 points or more.

    Until last night.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest




    First half, Trubisky is hitting the 7 yard seam, hitting the 9, hitting the post.

    Second half, Nagy has him throwing dink/dunk shit to the side line for the first 29 minutes.

    You can't win a game by playing not to lose. Trying to run out the clock against a passing team with 30 minutes to play is fucking stupid.

    The Packers adjusted at half to run a no-huddle O, and shit tons of shot-gun, 2-step drop passes. That negated our pass rush. Nagy adjusted as well. To a deep safety, bend but don't break D, mixed with a "run-out-the clock" O.

    Fucking stupid. We were completely out-coached.

    John Fox actually slapped himself in the forehead watching that conservative shit show. I even said after the first drive, (even though we scored) if we are planning to play like this the whole half, we're going to blow this.
  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    He looked like a slow old fat full-back trying to play LB... He looked like Matt Suhey circa 1989
  5. Mongo_76 Guest

    So did Nagy. It was almost like he wasn't actually watching the game or what was going on. Everytime the camera was on him, which was often, he was just reading his laminated cheat sheet.

    It was almost like he was playing Madden with real life players...
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Here's what bothers me about that....

    3rd and 1...clock running down....what play do you call? Jordan Howard dive up the middle? No. Some misdirection shit where you throw it back across the field to your #2 TE....Dion Fucking Sims. An asshole that didn't even bother to run past the 1st down marker.

    If you were truly playing not to'd run the god damn ball. But you decide to want to aggressively play not to lose and call a play that's equivalent to asking Earl Bennett to run an end around in the 4th quarter of the NFC title game.

    I realize it was Nagy's first game and it's not like there wasn't some good stuff in there. Because there was. But fuck that second half was beyond brutal.
  7. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I could be wrong but wasn't this Nagys second second half collapse in a row? Weren't KC up on the Pat's and then blew it in the second half because they left off the gas? Glad he can learn.
  8. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I don’t know man... putting your offensive tackle out wide in a bunch formation was some innovative shit. I expect teams to copy that gem.
  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Got a text from a friend that said...

    Nagy wet his pants when Rodgers came back. Then Fangio slipped on the floor because of the mess Nagy made.
    Mongo_76 likes this.
  10. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I had no issue with that. They did it a couple times and we scored a TD on it. That's fine. It gives teams something to see on film and you can possibly go back to it later and run a different play off of it. No problem.

    I like the creativity and thinking outside the box. Misdirection is good. But it can't be your base offense. Sometimes you just gotta play football. And that's what we needed to do in the 2nd half up 20 points.
  11. Mongo_76 Guest

    With 3rd and 1, and Howard running like he was, you run the ball. On that down and distance, handing to Howard makes sense. I don't see that as playing not to lose.

    The problem is all the other downs where he was calling pass plays (WR screens) behind the LOS or 2 yard dink and dunks.

    His goal was to slowly move the chains, eating up the clock. All the vertical routes were flattend. The safeties came up and squeezed the field because we let them. Wasn't it Dix that made the stop on Sims? he should have been 20 yards down the field...
  12. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Bears aren't remotely close to being ready for primetime.
  13. I turned 18 in the late 80s, right at the tail end of a pretty good decade for the Bears. My hatred of the Packers was bred into me, and cemented in by Charles Martin. My father and grandfather warned me to enjoy it while I could, because they’d waited 30 or 40 years to see them being good again. I was young and stupid and thought they’d be great forever...

    My oldest daughter is 20 now, a huge Bears, and, other than some miracle fluke SB run in ‘06, she has largely known nothing but pain from being a fan of the Bears. My other 3 kids, let’s just say I’m having trouble convincing them that the Bears are something worth getting emotionally invested in, especially when they see how angry and sad it makes me.

    For the entirety of my adult life, I’ve had to watch the Bears get bent over the table and fucked in the ass by the team I loathe and despise the most. We all know how Favre owned us, and beating the motherfucker a few games at the end of his career means nothing to me. Rogers is... 20-4 now against is?

    Last night, I was... I can’t even describe how happy I was the first half. No shit, I really think it was my 3rd happiest moment only to my wedding day and my children being born. To finally, finally, finally, mete out a measure of payback for DECADES of embarrassment.

    And then, after the fourth quarter started and the Bears couldn’t get a first down, and the Packers scored their first touchdown, I turned my wife and flat out told her they’re going to lose. We were still up 20-10, but I fucking called it. I’ve watched this fucking movie before, I know how it goes. I told her the goddam packers are going to get another TD, and then the Bears will settle for a field goal, like they always fucking do, and then Rogers will march them down to score the game-winning TD.

    Queue the salivating over Roger’s cock. And, the most frustrating thing, it’s fucking deserved.

    This game, this exact game, sums up exactly why I can’t be excited about Mack.

    Yeah, he’s great.

    Yeah, he’s going to be fun to watch for a few years.

    And yeah, it doesn’t mean FUCKING SHIT if Trubisky (and Nagy) isn’t any good. Defensive players simply cannot take over, and win, a game the way the quarterbacks do.

    My wife asked me last night why I “stay with” the Bears, when it’s been nothing but misery my whole adult life. If this was a marriage, she said, I would’ve walked out a long time ago.

    I don’t know how to not love the Bears though.

    I don’t know how Virginia is that much directly to blame. She hasn’t skimped on spending money. The only thing I would make her directly accountable for, is she puts her trust in the wrong people, often her family. Not sure she deserves to die for that, brother.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2018
  14. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    It's like when we had Peppers but ruined it by also having a shitty offense led by Cutler and Martz.
  15. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I don't know how not to either.

    But Virginia is to blame. Everything wrong with this team starts with ownership.

    She allowed Mike McCaskey to play NFL GM and that made the 1990's the worst decade of Bears football. She put Ted Phillips, an accountant, in charge of a football team. All the dominoes that fall after that are all on her.

    She's 95. It wouldn't be a tragedy if she painlessly drifted off to death in her sleep.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Good news though.....Kyle Fuller has vowed to "be better" after dropping a game ending INT.

  17. Carmen and Jurko are having a field day already.

    Mitch has started 13 games. How many games has he had multiple TDs?


    Mahones started his 2nd game, and had 4 TDs against a much better pass D than the packers.

    Everyone saw what Watson did last year.. in 7 games he had multiple TDs in 5.

    Deshone Kizer had 3 games with multiple TDs playing in fucking Cleveland.

    But hey, Pace got his guy.
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  18. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    He has running backs. He has receivers, not the best receivers, but he does have receivers.

    The O-line wasn't a problem last night.

    No fucking excuses.
  19. Omfg, Nagy’s post game audio...

    “You know, they didn’t get a whole lot of reps in the preseason”
  20. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    Please tell me he didn't actually say that........

    That seriously makes me want to fucking break something. That's Marty Mornhinweg level stupid right there.

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