I know with more and more people cutting the cord from their cable companies and many people here every week requesting links for out of market Bears games has anyone tried this? It is my understanding that the cost of players club is only $5 bucks a months but comes with thousands of channels and free movies. While there is a short process doing this with your firestick because unlike the other mediums roku etc firestick is android driven and makes it acceptable for this. First you have to jailbreak your firestick which means you have to go into settings and unlock it true capabilities and enable javascript and the ability to download and accept apps that are not included in the Amazon app store. Then you locate and find the downloader app, and then the Kodi app which finally the players club app. All of this is explained in a video at troypoint.com it is also explained here in a video with a link here https://troypoint.com/how-to-jailbreak-a-firestick/ I wish I could try this but I left my firestick in my home down south in Georgia and will probably have to order another one to try this. A couple weeks ago they had a deal firesticks for only $20 bucks but today I checked and they are $40 fuck!
Hadn't heard of this. Guess it won't work on Roku, which is what I have. I'd be curious to hear from anyone here who actually does try this out. $40 for a firestick isn't so bad if it means getting all Bears games in high quality. I cut cable again for the second time when I recently moved. It was stupid to have it for Redzone channel only, which I barely watched last year. Happy with the Roku and Youtube TV for the occasional sporting event. Will probably just rely on those sketchy European streaming sites again this season.
I've got a buddy who has one - I'll have to have him try it out. He doesn't give a damn about football, so it might take some coaxing, but if it works I'll be sure to report back and go buy one myself. Spending $30-$40 at the bar every Sunday to watch the Bears isn't the best solution, even if it means beer and food. Would much rather do it at home for less and have better beer.
Yeah Roku runs Linux, but any system that runs "android" would work just fine, not just firestick. It is my understanding 5 bucks a month is for one connection and each additional connection is $4. I've seen the frustration with many on here out of market trying to get a link for the game, hell I'm even tempted to order a firestck and try it here and maybe dump comcast altogether except for the internet, but I got a damn red light ticket in the mail today and not sure it's in the budget just yet.
I don't see why not, if you put your ip behind a VPN you should have unrestricted access anywhere in the world. I just loaded my stick on Sunday and so far, I'm impressed because it appears they have slots for various "Sunday ticket" NFL games, and NHL "Center Ice" games as well. I'm waiting for the first batch of preseason games to test it out. It has all USA cable channels as well as those in Canada, as well as all the movie channels. I planned on updating when I find out more. The key here is to NOT buy those preloaded sticks instead you need to learn to do this yourself because when versions get updated you need the ability to update because otherwise it won't continue to work. Yes Babyfan his videos are so on point that even YOU could do the upgrade. It also has a section for broadcast TV for every major metro area in the US so this is perfect for me when I go down to Georgia and I'm so far out I can't get a broadcast signal through an antenna. The cost is 5 bucks per connection and 4 bucks for each connection thereafter.
Babyfan I don't think it's for you though because I haven't found one Mexican Television or radio station
@tunafat LOL You crack me up man! No wonder I love you! I'm going to see if I can figure this out. Husband would be enormously proud of me if I did. Plus then I could watch the Bears play every game. I might need some help though ...
My son uses Players Klub because he and his wife became cord cutters. He says it's awesome. And yes it should work even in third world countries....provided you connect the string to the two cans and your socialist internet is working.
LOL Bww that's funny! I am going to have to kill you though. I'm almost close enough to do it in person ...
I am absolutely bookmarking this thread. We're hoping to be done with our move by Sept 1st, and then I'd be able to dig into it, see if it works for us. Good to hear recommendations and people here trying it out. We have Google Chrome plugged into our TV, which allows you to just hit a button from whatever app you're using on your phone and have it up on the TV. I wonder if that would be applicable to this Player's Klub service. I'll have to check it out.
I know it works with Apple TV and airplaying from an iPhone or iPad so I would assume the same would be true with android devices.
Well, sweet... I have always wanted to watch a full season of Bears games from my couch, with my beer, in Florida. As soon as the move is done, this is top of my list. This could be really exciting.
Dont you worry Bww ... your at the top of my hit list muwahaha. Ugh. We just hit a pothole ...goodbye phone ....
When I was in Korea for a year I used IPVanish to set my IP address to a Chicago IP and was able to stream Cubs and Bears games with little to no issues at all using a andriod box (similar to a firestick).
Korea is light years ahead of Mexicanadco. It's a state in Mexico where everyone thinks they are Canadian.