I heard a long time ago that Steelers fans were inbred redneck cross dressing hookers. You and the other kissing cousin are the proof.
That would be a solid move. Its been oustanding hasn't it. And credit where its due, Frankie boy did get one thing right..... this has been the funniest thread on the site. The beatdown level on this thread is worthy of the old days on the CBS main board.
You were referenced once at the start and once at the end you whiny little c_nt. Everything in between was football insight about the game and its potential future like you could never dream of in a million posts. You're so thin skinned you can't get past it and you keep coming back trying to prove what a big dig you are. But you've already been shown up as a unik and you brought it mostly on yourself. And you can keep coming back here as much as you like, nothings gonna change. I will fuck you over and over till the end of time. Because i know i can and you are on my board. I promise you i will outlast you. When you went running to tell the teacher like a whiny little bitch. Yes, you did do that. Haha, gidiot and spress, there's two quality individuals to have in your corner. At no point in this entire thread have you been in "got this" territory so stop trying to kid yourself. Everyone who has gone at you has fucking destroyed you. You are so out of your depth you actually need people to explain their insults and how they are humiliating you because you can't keep up. At this point God can't help you dude.
Only a true gidiot would say something so stupid. I guess if i was a whiny tattle tale little biatch i could've run to the teacher with this like firehalo did to me..... Either way you are right. Of course he's allowed to have the foul stench of his underlying SJW bullshit seaping out of every post he makes and thats just fine. Anyone else strays even slightly off point and he cries like a baby for a week. A literal week. Thats how long firehalo has been crying for haha.
03AUG you untracked this football discussion thread. Give us some more of that spazz-speak brrrpty-drrrpty. That was the funniest part. Watching your head twist up while responding to my post over a week ago. Thanks again for making this entire thread about me. Feel free to re-name it, since you untracked it. Also, throw in some exclamation points... you’ve stopped sending those since I called you out on that too. Gotcha bitch.
Death? Hmmm... Must be from the Bears organization on down to the wretched fan base. Yeah. That explains it.
You gave your opinion on the Smith situation...it was disagreed with, for very good reason, and you've been a Class A douche since. On the Bears board trolls and people trying to poke us with sticks typically get exactly what they deserve. The fact that Gid is on your side right now should be enough evidence to tell you that you went wrong somewhere.
I stuck around here too long waiting for an objective Bears fan to notice this discussion went off the tracks ... remind me again?
Dude, fuck off. Gid doesn't need to take his mouth off your cock....just penguin walk out of the room while he keeps going.
Here's a new flash....no one here gives a shit when it went off the tracks. It's a meaningless point.
Phew. Thanks Bww. Thanks to all of you fine men for keeping this board troll-free. Its hard to moderate when I'm flying down these insane curvy roads in Virginia having a blast. And then I come back and read this nonsensical drivel of fire's. It's very disheartening.
You made this thread about you and it was a mistake beyond all measure. It has been many years since i saw a poster dismantled to the level you have been here, im glad i got to play a role in it. I don't think you add up to dried spit so this is probably mute, but i hope you take some time to reflect on your behavior in this thread and try to make some positive changes going forward. You lie, you welch on bets, you run to the teacher, you are a worm. But even you can be better than this firehalo, so be better. Until then dry your eyes and try not to let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Ciao!!!!!!!!!