movie trivia

Discussion in 'Movie Channel' started by Catfish, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I had one in my head the other day that I was going to try and remember when I had a chance to post one but I forget what it was lol. I'll post it up when it comes back to me.
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  2. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Tom Waits!
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  3. Catfish Guest

    that happens all the time. I write them down now. I miss many of them and can't recall them.
  4. Catfish Guest

    yes! he is Buck the guy who answers the door when Johnny and Ponyboy go to see Dallas Winston (Matt Dillon) for help. His place is part bar, part whore house, part hotel or boarding house.
  5. Catfish Guest

    speaking of Andrew Dice Clay...

    he got his start in an 1982 episode of MASH with Cheers star George Wendt.

    This is a tough one - what mid 80's movie featuring a soon to be Brat Packer Judd Nelson - does Andrew Dice Clay make his movie debut? I think his character is called the "Diceman" in the movie and it's where he started doing the Diceman skit with the cigarette, he would do as a comic to sold out shoes and his impression of Al Pacino ... ?
  6. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    This wasn't the one I thought of the other day but I'll work off the Tom Waits thread...

    What other two Grammy-winning musicians besides Tom Waits appeared in the 1993 Robert Altman film Short Cuts?
  7. Catfish Guest

    Huey Lewis and Lyle Lovett ? That film has a couple of Oscar Winners in it and a ton of famous people in it. Wow.
  8. Catfish Guest

    this one is too hard. it's Making the Grade. it also stars the guy who played the German Nazi who burns his hand with the medallion used for the Staff of Ra in Raiders of the Lost Ark. He died young of alcoholism.
  9. Catfish Guest

    in the baseball movie Brewster Millions - what is the name of the Uncle in the beginning of the movie ?
  10. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    You got it, one of my favorite movies. Based on stories written by my favorite author, Raymond Carver.

    I had an English professor my freshman year say I was "like a character from a Raymond Carver story." To this day I'm still not entirely sure he meant it as a compliment, but I've always taken it that way lol.

    PS technically Huey Lewis' one Grammy was for the video for Heart of Rock n Roll, he never won one for his music, but hey he still got one.
    Catfish likes this.
  11. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I believe it was Rupert?
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  12. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    In Summer Rental, what is the name of Scully's boat that Jack (John Candy) uses to race Richard Crenna's character in the regatta?
    Catfish likes this.
  13. Catfish Guest

    I didn't know the Grammys had video awards. I know MTV did.
  14. Catfish Guest

    haha. his white honky Grandfather. Not Uncle.
  15. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Partial mistake on my part, it's not for a "video" it's actually for a music film, but it used to be called the Grammy for Best Long Form Music Video, now called Best Music Film. So basically they're usually just full length concert movies. The title of the film they won for was called "Huey Lewis & The News: The Heart of Rock 'n Roll," it wasn't the video for the song of the same name. But the artists themselves do receive Grammys for the winning films.
    Catfish likes this.
  16. Catfish Guest

    the Rusty Barnacle ?
  17. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    Was it Rusty lol? I don't remember now, I thought it was just the Barnacle.
  18. Catfish Guest

    I thought it was Rusty Barnacle. ??
  19. Underdog Franchise Player Patriots

    I'll certainly defer to your recollection of the presence of the adjective.
    Catfish likes this.
  20. Catfish Guest

    ok-trying to pick a movie we never used before. so many to choose from.

    in the movie The Hustler - the first B/W movie I ever saw as a kid on the ABC Midnight Movie and was hooked from the start, Charlie says to Felson, "you wanted $____ you got $____." What dollar amount did he say Felson wanted to win off of Fats ?

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