R.H.S.C. Mock Draft - Hosted by Lyman

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Lyman, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    The mock didn't go to shit yesterday because of him. Jesus died for our sins but not for our mock drafts. We always have Good Friday off in the official mock since we know multiple people will have trouble getting or even leaving lists.
    matthewwillson29 and Campbell like this.
  2. TopDawg Legend

  3. matthewwillson29 Franchise Player Manager Bengals

    I was hoping it wasn't from the autopick debacle, I was pissed but not to the point where I wanted him to quit. I was hoping it wasn't because of that.
  4. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    That's one of the reasons the middle mock also has trouble getting people to sign up.

    Next year, the middle mock will likely not happen. I'd like to kick the GMO down a couple weeks and make it so that we can alleviate some calendar problems (ours vs NFL). Plus, I'd like to tweak a couple things in it that may increase the total time but make it easier for everyone to participate.

    It would also give everyone a respite between the GMO and the official mock.
  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Also depends when Easter falls. Stupid moon.
    Campbell likes this.
  6. TopDawg Legend

    can we email munoz?
  7. KilkennyDan Let's Go Buffalo! Patreon Champion Sabres Bills Kilkenny

    FWIW, Easter will be Sunday, April 21, 2019.
    Campbell likes this.
  8. munoz1987 Franchise Player Manager Broncos

    pick coming soon
  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Woot. The official mock is gonna be a headache next year.
    Campbell likes this.
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Easter usually falls later than this, so we should be able to end the GMO and have Easter fall before the start of the official.

    Even if it were to land as late as the 15th we would still be good.
  11. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner


    Disregard my previous post.

    But then again, we could have the Official end before Easter without issue so long as we don't run a middle mock.
  12. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Only thing that kinda sucks about a later GMO is having real FA already on. I find it fun that we can sign and make decisions before the real NFL influences us.
  13. munoz1987 Franchise Player Manager Broncos

    With pick 4.13 in the 2018 R.H.S.C. Mock Draft the Denver Broncos select...
    Geron Christian, OT, Louisville
  14. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    We'll talk again in 9-10 months
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I have it written down somewhere in the office, but I remember you and I discussing a reason for having it two weeks later.

    Would you happen to remember what that was?
  16. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Put it on your calendar and get back to me.
  17. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Super Bowl participant off-season stuff to happen in reality so it's an even playing ground and so we don't have a long layoff waiting for the combine to end. That?
  18. TopDawg Legend


    Willie likes this.
  19. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner


  20. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Bears OTC

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