R.H.S.C. Mock Draft - Hosted by Lyman

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Lyman, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    I can't tell if Will is posting someone else or if he assumed that was done already. Will? Is it Goedert?
  2. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Completely hosed by third-party dealings.
  3. firehalo Guest

    If Litton could’ve lasted towards the end of the 4th, he could’ve been a Pittsburgh Steeler. Oh well, his loss.
    rediiis likes this.
  4. Willie Head Coach Manager News & Notes Vikings

    the TEXANS select Troy Fumagalli, TE - Wisconsin
  5. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Will is being nice when he shouldn't. Lucky axe.
  6. firehalo Guest

    Axe still gets his boy... Dallas.
  7. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Lions OTC since Dallas essentially picked already.
  8. Quew777 Franchise Player Manager Lions

    You want me to pick.
  9. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Axe took Goedert so just go if you are ready.
  10. firehalo Guest

    I have a barber appointment at 5. Stopped at a bar next door and I’m listening to a reggae version of John Denver’s “Country Roads”. Fucking amazing!
    LAOJoe likes this.
  11. Quew777 Franchise Player Manager Lions

    Lions select Austin Corbett, OG/C, Nevada.
  12. Quew777 Franchise Player Manager Lions

    I wonder how Easter weekend is going to play out. I'll be happy to post a list before I leave tomorrow, but I'll have Sunday free.
  13. TopDawg Legend

    Yes. Accused stalker Chase Litton backing up accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger....Sounds ideal.
    RTTRUTH likes this.
  14. firehalo Guest

    My weekend is fully booked with a shit tonne of sinful acts, mine and some for a few friends too (send in your requests). I wouldn’t want ol’ JC to have died in vain. But like Jell-O, there’s always room ... for a draft.
  15. RTTRUTH Legend Manager Colts


    Ravens select Kerryon Johnson, RB - Auburn
    firehalo likes this.
  16. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  17. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    You mean squealing pig gets the fat.
  18. firehalo Guest

    Not to be uncouth, but stalking is less serious/dangerous than raping, so... ... that would be an improvement. But like Axe recently said,
    “Gotta keep up the tradition.”
    LAOJoe, TopDawg and AxeMurderer like this.
  19. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Either way - I'm not fussy.
    LAOJoe likes this.
  20. firehalo Guest

    This pick is fucking AWESUM!!! for the middle of the 3rd Round.
    RTTRUTH likes this.

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