Wait. If the Raiders are on the clock, what was the pick for SPress? Even though I already won the draft, I’m still writing shit down.
Although vaping is a new-ish thing, I’m seeing more and more “older” people hitting it too. In the last hour, I’ve passed maybe 6 vape users and half were 40 or older. Most were doing concentrates (oil) w/a pen. I saw one other Pax3 user (other than myself). That reminds me, I should post something on the 420 thread soon. #VapeLife
Yeah when the hell did vaping go from "I want to smoke my nicotine but I also want to look like a dragon" to a device for enjoying fine herbs anyway? I'm in my late 30's but live in DC where it's legal for the most part. Lots of friends and acquaintances imbibe but mostly the old fashion way and edibles. Can't say I have seen anyone vaping it yet.
I was in Vegas not long ago, and I saw more people partaking with the vapor pens than anything else. It's weird. You can smell the weed for a second, and then it's gone...Those things are popular out there, and it's starting to catch on here in central Ohio too.
I’ve noticed a TREMENDOUS difference in the lungs going from fire to vape. A spark hit feels almost harsh now.