G.M.O. - 2018 NFL Draft

Discussion in 'General Manager's Office' started by Manager's Assistant, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. TopDawg Legend

    I know...I'm proud of my Buckeye homerism! lol!

    I'm sarcastic and my responses are often misinterpreted, because for some stupid reason I always assume my tone will translate. lol! ...My apologies. I'm probably one of the most misunderstood guys on the boards. Usually, I'm just trying to spur football conversation...
    Campbell likes this.
  2. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    We're all good. Just wanted to make sure that you understood my post.

    There were some hot heads in here for this one so it's best to be on the safe side, lol.
  3. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    Jamil Demby, OG Maine
  4. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles


    Had you there. Nope Mr. Irrelevant candidate still there. lol
  5. TopDawg Legend

    I understand... I honestly wasn't upset or being snippy...We all good.

    I didn't mean it to sound like an angry, "CALL ME WHAT YOU WANT!"....I just meant it like, "i'll take that."......Hopefully that makes some sense.
    Campbell likes this.
  6. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Jaguars select
    Avonte Maddox, CB - Pittsburgh

    because his name is ballin' and I guess since they need a DB.
  7. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    I thought hard about taking him with my "throwaway" sixth round pick. The real Falcons have drafted three character risk guys in the last four years and been burned all three times, so I couldn't justify it even with the high risk/reward ratio on such a late pick. Between the drugs and the credit card scam, that's too much even for an un-needed sixth rounder.

    I went with Keke Coutee instead, who might also be a good value play at 6(26).
  8. Falcons Guy Home Town Favorite Manager Maple Leafs Falcons

    Who are the Bengals least likely to take? lol
  9. matthewwillson29 Franchise Player Manager Bengals

    Lol, if I had Mr. Irrelevant, I would pick myself haha. But I am only up for draft in the MLL not NFL
  10. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    If Tim and Tampa are here (list Tim?) then we will be done in the next few minutes.
  11. Falcons Guy Home Town Favorite Manager Maple Leafs Falcons

    Chiefs Select
    Shaun Dion Hamilton, LB - Alabama

    I'll take the injury liability here for the talent.
    LAOJoe, RicoL8 and Campbell like this.
  12. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    I have to say I'm quite happy to have provided the picks obtained in BOTH of those trades. After my earlier trades with Denver and Philadelphia, I suddenly had picks to spare.

    Those trades checked off two of the last three items on my list of needs/wants (which I even mentioned to Joe when we worked out our own trade - which took care of the other item on that list). Perfect examples of win/win trades. You get value now, and I met an immediate need and got value for later.
    LAOJoe and TopDawg like this.
  13. Torgo M.V.P. Manager Falcons

    As long as it's not the Legends Football League. None of us would want to see that...
  14. matthewwillson29 Franchise Player Manager Bengals

    The Cincinnati Bengals Select
    Ja'Whuan Bentley ILB Purdue
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I emailed him.

    His list is in tatters, lol.
    LAOJoe likes this.
  16. matthewwillson29 Franchise Player Manager Bengals

    Nope Major League Lacrosse. I was even invited this year to the MLL Tryouts at Penn for Ohio Machine held yesterday. I hurt today haha but I forgot how much I love Lacrosse and hate tryouts
    Campbell and LAOJoe like this.
  17. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Cool beans
  18. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    xinik and RicoL8 like this.
  19. Falcons Guy Home Town Favorite Manager Maple Leafs Falcons

    The Kansas City Chiefs take another shot at hitting gold on a prospect from up here yonder.

    Mark Konte, OL - Alberta
    LAOJoe likes this.
  20. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Tim are you able to update the list after your pick?

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