G.M.O. - 2018 NFL Draft

Discussion in 'General Manager's Office' started by Manager's Assistant, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

  2. munoz1987 Franchise Player Manager Broncos

    28 28 Pittsburgh - CB: Joshua Jackson, Iowa

    The Joshua got me. I searched for Josh
  3. rediiis Guest

    You won't be the last to fall into this spider web. Just the 1st.
  4. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    So I'm up?
  5. rediiis Guest

    you are correct sir
  6. beachbum Legend Manager Steelers

    The Steelers select Kerryon Johnson, RB Auburn
    firehalo and RicoL8 like this.
  7. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

  8. munoz1987 Franchise Player Manager Broncos

    He has the same hesitation run style Bell has. Dont know about his hands tho. Good pick
    RicoL8 likes this.
  9. rediiis Guest

    He had a lot of carries in free football, wasn't that impressed at his combine.
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Thank you for leaving a list, but please always be sure to include more than one moderator if you don’t get confirmation that your list was received.

    There will be times where one or more of the 4 may not be readily available.
  11. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I emailed Jacksonville.
  12. rediiis Guest

    How dare you moderators have some semblance of life.
    RicoL8, LAOJoe, Willie and 1 other person like this.
  13. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Hey now...

    Don’t go spreading rumors.
    RicoL8, rediiis, LAOJoe and 1 other person like this.
  14. RicoL8 Home Town Favorite Manager Titans

    Always true. DBs and pitchers, never enough of 'em.
  15. RicoL8 Home Town Favorite Manager Titans

    If anyone is looking for a CB for a pick or picks let me know, I can spare one since I picked up one more than I was planning on.
  16. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    Tim can you update the board? I am away.
  17. LAOJoe Assistant Coach Manager Patreon Silver Maple Leafs Eagles

    It has to be one you didn't just sign.
    RicoL8 likes this.
  18. RicoL8 Home Town Favorite Manager Titans

    I know. That still leaves me 4 options that people may be interested in, in a variety of price ranges.
  19. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    As soon as I’m home.
  20. IrishDawg42 Legend Manager Browns Buckeyes Fighting Irish

    I would like to challenge this pick on the grounds that he picked a player already drafted, I believe we should impose a penalty of say...8 picks, that sounds about right...

    RicoL8 likes this.

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