Latest Hollywood Scandals...

Discussion in 'In The News' started by Catfish, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. firehalo Guest

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  2. firehalo Guest

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  5. Catfish Guest

  6. firehalo Guest

    Hotel mogul Steve Wynn has been accused of rape from an incident in the 1970s. Wynn has been in the news for not-so-good news lately, he was forced out of his business after allegations of sexual misconduct back in January, including an incident that occurred in 2005 that was corroborated by his ex-wife, Elaine Pascal.
  7. Catfish Guest

    ^^1970's? I don't get this. how can anyone recall the exact information leading up to this attack from 35 yrs ago. I was born in 1971 so ask me what happened in 1979 and I couldn't tell you.
  8. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    They were a little older than you.
  9. Catfish Guest

    I'm just saying I can't remember much from 30 yrs ago. key events in grammar school, but not much.
  10. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    Getting raped would probably fall under the way memorable things that happened in your life. Not a good thing to remember, but burned into the very fabric of your memory.
    Jeanquev and firehalo like this.
  11. Catfish Guest

    but exact specific details of what date it happened, what led to it, what was the suspect wearing, time, date etc? a lot of recall from 30 yrs ago. and like I and lyman said you don't come forward when it happened, but come forward now 30 yrs later?

    gid - I lost my Dad when I was 15. it was 1987. I can't recall the last conversation I had with my Father the day he died or what I wore. I do know where I was when I found out he died and who told me. everything else I don't recall. see what I'm getting at here ?
  12. gidion72 Legend Steelers

    The last conversation you had with your dad didn't mean jack shit to you until you found out that he died. And at that time you probably didn't even give it a thought until the shock wore off.
  13. Catfish Guest

    I still don't know what the last thing I said to him was. it was at breakfast but I can't recall what it was. I can recall like 5 things that happened in grammar school to me. I just can't recall anything else.
  14. firehalo Guest

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  15. Catfish Guest

    the best is the bagel in his pants by his waist. Funny how this guy (Sean Penn) went from Jeff Spicoli to 4-5 Oscar Nominations and 2 wins and is considered the Best Actor of his generation.
  16. Jeanquev Legend Steelers

    Its very similar to catastrophic events that happen and people can tell you where they were and what they were doing. Ask someone alive during the JFK or Martin Luther King Jr assassinations where they were and what they were doing and they can tell you like it just happened. More recent examples most people can tell you where they were and what they were doing when 9/11 broke. I can tell you and still see the face of my 10th grade science teacher when he stepped into class on what was supposed to be a test day to tell us the Challenger had exploded and that he wanted to watch coverage in his office and we were to work on our packets that were do the following week. At that point a girl Named Sara asked him to bring the TV into the room so we could all see the news. He did so and during the next hour of class we watched the coverage. He also told us that he had signed up to be the teacher in space but he had not been able to advance very far because he suffered from asthma. When he was asked if he would still be willing to go he said yes that he would board a shuttle the very next day if they asked him to.
    Catfish and firehalo like this.
  17. Catfish Guest

    we watched it in our 8th grade class. it was awful. and now they have pinpointed it to a leaky seal that the engineers knew were bad and 1 of them told his wife the night before "the shuttle will explode." NASA didn't want to listen to the engineers and launched anyways.

    The odd thing is NASA claims several of the Astronauts were alive after the explosion as their emergency packs were activated on their body suits and that they did die to the massive G forces when what was left of the shuttle hit the Atlantic Ocean. They even found the bodies at the body of the Ocean. That's crazy. I thought they all died due to the explosion.
  18. Catfish Guest

    9/11 I was at work and people started to think our 10 story building was next and started to panic. one lady kept crying she had to get home and pull her kid out of school bc that school could be a target. several people tried to calm her down but she was hysterical. me and 2 buddies couldn't get on any trains out of downtown Philly, so we got some sandwiches and went to a bar. :cheers:
  19. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    Think I'd remember being raped pretty clearly.
  20. AxeMurderer Legend Cowboys

    I was at work (Ft. Washington, north of Philly) listening to Howard Stern when the first plane hit. They were talking about it like "wtf" and then the second plane hit, and they realized we were under attack. After the Pentagon got hit, I called my Dad, who worked in Center City, and told him to get out - figuring the attacks were targeting major cities.

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