Dear Fellow Bears Fans,

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Mongo_76, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Mongo_76 Guest

    I just wanted to post a thread wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2018.

    I was thinking the other day as I was reading through some threads how long most of us have been together.

    I joined the CBS board in 2006 right after the Phoenix game. I was on a few other boards before that, but really got into it then.

    So, for me, that's 12 years of hanging with you guys. We are truly brothers.

    When I first started posting, I had a 5 year old son. I now have 3 daughters and 2 boys. My 5 year old is going to college next year. He's gotten written scholarships to Michigan state, Iowa, Kentucky, Urbana, ISU, TCU, FSU, and a few play baseball.

    I've had the pleasure to meet a few of you. Acrazy and Tuna.

    And BWW's son also sat in my seats.

    I know I am down on the team. Hard not to be when we fire Lovie after a 10 win season, the put up the shit show we have since then... and now we are being called the "browns of the NFC".

    But I do think we are going to turn it around. I expect a decent season next year. I expect a 7 win season at worst. I expect Trubisky to take it to a new level.

    I also expect the Lions and Packers are about to take a shit.

    To all you old CBS'ers and any new Bears posters on here, I wish you all a great 2018.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2018
  2. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Happy 2018 to you Mongo and the rest of you guys and of course that crazy Mexican chick! and of course Tim.
    Someone asked me the other day why I was still a Bears fan? I told him they could lose 100 games in a row and I would still be a Bears fan, because that's just the way it is,
    and will taste that much sweeter when they do start winning. I will admit I'm now numb to the pain Monday after losing Sunday, but that was to maintain my own sanity.
    Some people change teams like they do underwear or socks, and I never quite understood that.
    Yeah we've been together a long time, and have learned so much from you guys over the years.
    Between Mongo and those breakdowns and patg and his draft prospects it was like a one stop shopping.
    I consider us all family too, and hope for nothing but the best for all of you.
    Go Bears!
  3. blang84 Legend Bears

    I also joined in the 2006 season (after we lost to the Patriots) and posted sparingly in the first couple years, but always played Capone's over/under. It's too bad more people from CBS didn't make here but even the last couple years at CBS saw a number of prominent members vanish from the board. It's even more unfortunate that since we moved to this site the Bears have gone from bad to worse, shrinking the community even further. Hopefully if/when the Bears do turn it around, the community experiences a major growth.

    I'm a Bears fan because I don't know any other way to live life. Been a fan since my earliest days in the 80s and nothing has changed. I'm not proud of it necessarily, it's just kind of the reality of things. Maybe someday I will stop caring. The NFL has been going downhill for the last couple years in a number of ways and maybe it's the decline of the NFL that ultimately kills my Bears fandom.

    I would like to echo this. Whether from Mongo or Patg or BWW or even the great posts from Chicago Marine and Jazzman back in the day, learned a lot from this community.
  4. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Yes wishing you all the best for 2018 guys. Great post SM.

    It must've been around December 2006 that i joined CBS. Hard to believe its been that long but its been great talking Bears, football and giving baby my sandwich orders. TBH i must've spent my first couple of years just doing battle on the main board with tools from other teams before settling in to the Bears board. That clown show ninja squad of Cowboys fans, led by Handicappers and a few others, was one of the funniest. They would go nuts trying to defend Romo ha. Also, i remember a thread on the main board about whether Randy Moss should/would go 1st ballot. It was a monster debate, must've gone on for like 100pages. Guess we'll find out the answer to that one very soon.

    But yes things have moved on a lot for us compared to where we used to be. Dline and pat were just a couple wee teenagers back then, bww was a sprightly 60. Varder has since moved out west where they play actual football. GoBearssss isn't poor anymore(i think). Blang doesn't have to watch games at stupid hours like he did in Australia. I settled down i guess, went from smoking too much dope and drinking too much Scotch to not smoking enough dope and drinking too much Scotch.

    Its been unfortunate how much the numbers have dwindled, especially in recent years. To be expected frankly, the Bears are a demoralizing team to support. Still, disappointing. I honestly don't believe the Bears will ever deliver a sustainable model of success while the McCaskey's are in charge, but if Trubisky pans out they may hit upon a few seasons of playoffs which may be enough to bring some more Bears fans out of hibernation.

    Its definitely harder than it used to be. But i hope there are better times ahead. Have to, what else is there to do?

    Go Bears!!
    Go Bears posters!!!!!
  5. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    I'm not sure when I joined but I've been glad I did. I obviously don't post a lot but I do read a lot. I certainly have learned a ton from all of you. Until I joined I was the type to watch on Sunday and not think about football until next week. Now the weekly loss sticks with me all week. Thanks guys...:D

    Mongo thanks again for those tickets. That was my first Bears game, outside of the actual game it was amazing. (I got to watch Hanie lose to the chiefs, Forte go down, and Urlacher knock down a hail mary into the WRs arms)

    I'm always optimistic about the next season but I think the next few years the Bears will see a big improvement. I hope that will help rejuvenate the board.
  6. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Kentucky is your alma mater isn't it? You pulling for him to go there SM? Either way you must be very proud.

    Marine was very knowledgable, no doubt. But tbh i always got the impression he was holding court a bit. He was there to teach, not to learn. Jazzman was just as knowledgable but with 0 ego.

    To this day the most insightful poster i ever came across was that guy The Bong Show from the CBS main board. Think he was an Eagles fan? Knew his shit like no one ive ever met. Always wondered why he got banned. Prob some meathead who couldn't handle the light.
    chitownfan312, Mongo_76 and tunafat like this.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Shit you were at that game man? What was that 2012?

    Forte was having what i'd say was the best year of his entire career when that happened. Matt fucking Spaeth. Whiffs on his block, Forte takes an unprotected shot straight to the knee. Season over.

    Matt Spaeth.
    babyfan likes this.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    That was the week after Shitwad broke his thumb against the Chargers in 2011. All of us including myself were 100% behind Shitwad at that point in time. That was the moment when we realized how fucked we were with Hanie.

    If my recollection is correct, didn't Roy Williams also drop an easy TD that was right in his hands that ended up being an interception in the end zone?
    babyfan and EvertonBears like this.
  9. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I know Jazzman was solid class as he straightened out my meathead ways early by telling me to think (imagine that something simple as thought).
    I may still be a meathead from time to time, but I think they are fewer and farther in between. We were going to meet up for beers and shots,
    but something came up with his daughter and we never rescheduled, and that I regret.

    Where the fuck is aggie? If there ever was a member that I agreed with more on nearly every fucking thing It was him.
    babyfan likes this.
  10. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    You are correct. While we are at it, It's also the game where Marion Barber was lined up out wide from the 5 and no one went out to cover him. Easy score, except he didn't like up on the line so it was called back. Really a great game...
    babyfan likes this.
  11. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    Well said Mongo. I started reading in 2005/2006 (I think it was late 2005 after Steve Smith caught about 1000 yards passing that game). Didn't actually sign up for years, I remember I posted because nolovie4smith was going nuts on Lovie's record and how much he sucked which made me laugh. I didn't need to post that much, there was so much to read.

    Lots of good folks back then, Jazzman, Marine, even the Dimmn vs. tuna mad bomber discussions. Did open my eyes to be less of meathead, much like tuna says. I also miss the old "main" board and all the jokers. Be that BWW clowning on Jprin, or the actual knowledgeable fans of other teams- and man they existed for every team (at least one or two usually). Some of those guys made it over too, but a lot were lost.

    We're smack dab in the middle of a "rebuild" - what gives me some small hope, is it wasn't all that long ago the Vikings were the bottom dwellers, unable to contemplate competing and turned it around. The real problem is just how bad it is right now. As you said man, we are the Browns of the NFC. This is the NFL though, and things *can* turn around quickly. Does Pace suck? We'll find out I think real soon.

    Had to quote this. I am a Bears fan, because it's part of who I am. It just is. Life would be easier if I cared less, and believe me this season really pushed me to the brink, where I'm likely not going to pay for Sunday Ticket. But I also know that means I'll probably be at more bars on Sundays than I care to admit.

    But I'll be here, checking in on the state of the team. Looking for your guys opinions. Even robs, heh.
  12. [​IMG]

    Here here, Mongo

    I lurked on the CBS board for years, but I didn't join and start posting until the 2008 season, and Dimm was the entire reason I signed up to post. The QB training camp battle between Rexy and Orton that year, and Dimm's deep-throating Grossman, drove me apeshit and I had to sign up just to argue with him. And how low have we sunk? Some folks actually miss Jprin.... It sucks how little I, amongst others, post nowadays... someone (BWW?) said during Trestman's careening shitstorm that apathy was a greater danger than anger to our board. I used to check the boards here, and Bears news, every morning. Even during the off season. And now the last few years, I have intentionally chosen to miss Bears games on tv that I could have watched. My father (2ndGen) just DVRs Bears games and erases them if they lose... his argument being "I'm too damn old to waste my time watching shit that just pisses me off."

    I miss caring.

    Good health, good cheer, a light at the end of the tunnel in 2018 and beyond.
    babyfan, EvertonBears and tunafat like this.
  13. BlackDog Franchise Player Bears

    I don't go on many boards and when I do I barely post much. However, this board and CBS when you guys were on there stuck with me. As someone who didn't know a whole lot about football (I never played when I was younger), I found you guys very informative and I learn something new all the time. I even surprise my old man whose been a long-time Bears fan with my newfound knowledge. I popped on around 06, and was surprised to see that despite the Bears winning games, people were still critical of them. Most people I knew were homers who never criticized their team and constantly blew them. It was refreshing to see fans be critical, sometimes even over-critical, of the team they love.

    Thanks for welcoming fellow Bears fans in. I hope someday we'll all be able to celebrate a Super Bowl win here together.
  14. chitownfan312 Franchise Player Bears

    Considering that I tend to be more vocal when I'm negative and pessimistic, I decided to join CBS in the middle of 2007 when the team started struggling. Also never even been on a message board before that.

    I don't mind the Bears hiring Nagy because it can't be any worse than Trestman and Fox. Then again the Bears have continued to surprise us with their ineptitude. We'll see what happens in the offseason, so far it's off to an ok start. Hopefully they can start straighting out our offense finally.
    babyfan, EvertonBears and tunafat like this.
  15. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    A happy 2018 to everyone. I know I have had my differences in opinion with many on this site but I do appreciate having this place to come over to and discuss everything Bears. Even if those discussions get heated at times.

    I know my overly optimistic view on things wears thin around here but I am not going to change nor would I expect anybody else to change their views for me. I do respect you all as loyal die hard Bears fans and appreciate how not CCS this site is.

    Hopefully we can all appreciate a product in the field that we can all be proud of before too long. Go Bears!
    babyfan, vvarder, tunafat and 2 others like this.
  16. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Of all the Bears fans i've come across online, that clown was the biggest dribbler. And the funny part is he was even worse when Cutler came along haha. No one gargled Cutler's balls like Dimm did even when he'd had the shittiest games. I have a ton more patience for Bears fans than other fans, but Dimm had to go and i consider driving him off an act of civic duty for our board.

    But i'm sure it worked out best for everybody. We rid ourselves of a mouth breathing idiot and Dimm found much more like minded people to talk to at his next stop, the Bears Facebook page.

    Has 4thGenBearsFan had a 5thGenBearsFan yet? Make sure and keep us posted now. You guys are basically like the Royal Family among the Bears fanbase :yes:

    I didn't know you went that far back Blackdog. I've seen you post a fair bit on the game threads which is good. Feel free to post more going forward, we're all of us still learning here and there and picking things up. With the possible exception of bww who is probably at the point where if he doesn't know it by now it prob wasn't worth learning in the first place.
    babyfan, vvarder and tunafat like this.
  17. mainwolf Home Town Favorite Bears

    Great sentiments Mongo and Happy 2016 to you too. May you finally get a reasonable ROI on your Season Tickets!

    Funny how I stumbled upon the old CBS boards in 2007. Search engines have come a long way because I was searching for something totally unrelated and one of the links was to an active thread. I didn’t even know those kinds of forums existed. It was an interesting read so I bookmarked it and came back for updates before discovering there were yet more threads to keep up with. Overall it was a gem of a find.

    I just lurked around constantly, never posted but finally set up an ID so I could vote in polls then suddenly we all got kicked to the curb and were all thrown in to one massive NFL thread--for a few weeks at least before CBS pulled the plug completely. Someone, a Steelers poster, talked about MudNCleats. So I went there and joined up but kept going back to CBS and replied to Bears posters I recognized to come on over. Dline especially comes to mind. I was addicted and didn’t want to lose anyone from the group.

    I’ve lurked a bit at other boards like reddit and WCG, screw the others, but these boards and you guys have taught me more about football than I knew existed. I was always a rabid fan but just watched the ball movement. Now I’m pissed when the cameras are in tight and don’t allow us to see the entire 22 on the field pre-snap. The games are far more exciting as a result of what I’ve learned.

    It’s actually been depressing to see the apathy around here this year going back a bit to last year. We used to have Mongo’s Things To Watch, Capones O/U and much more. Maybe the enthusiasm can return this year.

    I don’t get to post much and so many times I resist because I can’t be there to respond and keep the conversation/argument/controversy going in a timely fashion. I respect you guys too much. But I keep up with all the threads.

    Finally, may we all experience a Bears return to respectability in 2018. Lord knows we’ve suffered enough.
  18. My kids are 19, 16, 13, and 9, so no 4thGen yet, much less 5th. Bears fans one and all, though ;)
    babyfan and tunafat like this.
  19. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Your kids are the 4thGen man. I know we're a bunch of stupid Bears fans but come on!
    babyfan likes this.
  20. Uh... not sure what I was thinking there. Wish I could plead drunk, but alas....
    babyfan likes this.

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