Ok, not the MOST, the most is watching a team lifeless and poorly coached. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/standings/playoffrace Look at the standings, then flip over to expected draft order. The Bears are in a 3 way tie for the fourth overall pick, despite LOSING directly head to head to the 49ers, because they only care about SoS for the order as I learned two years ago. So because the Bears SHOULD lose a lot of these games, it means they suck less, and thus have lower priority. Not that it really matters too much, unless Pace decides to trade a bunch of picks to move up one spot again.
It's one of the dumbest rule in sports. Why head to head matters less than SOS is fucking retarded. And actually, based on the rule, Head to head doesn't even matter at all...
Right? And I realize that draft position doesn't mean that much, but think about last year, maybe we have MORE picks if we had the overall number 2 and Pace doesn't trade up? This team is threadbare and we have a GM that will trade up to get "his guy". We need talent from top to bottom, so the higher the better, if for no other reason that trades go our way, if we go that route. On the plus side, since I wrote this, Tampa Bay lost, and we actually more ahead of them based on SOS (though we lost to them head to head too...) I guess it could be worse and they could just do a lottery for the top 3 spots.
So... as predicted, the Bears get hosed due to SOS. We received the worst draft pick of the four 5-11 teams. And gotta be honest, I feel all 3 are more talented than the Bears.
See that's what I mean. People (not on here thankfully) talk about tanking for draft order, yet we get screwed because our SoS was harder, so we're *expected* to lose more games. And we lost to the Bucs head to head! And it's the kind of thing the rules commission will never take up, because they're more worried about tuck rules and how to further confuse what a catch is.
Considering how dumb the Bears organization is they practically deserve to get screwed on their draft order. Even if they got a better pick meathead Pace would trade away the entire draft for a QB that is on pace to be a complete bust.
She nice you don’t follow football why post on a football message board. Why not just write letters to the Bears to vent your frustration. Save yourself the embarrassment of looking like a troll who doesn’t follow the sport.
Did you listen to that press conference yesterday? Phillips and Pace were talking like they just had an 11-5 season. They're alledgedly bringing in plenty of talent and everything is roses and puppy dogs. It was insulting. I've watched every single game this year and Trubisky has gotten progressively worse. He has some of the worst footwork I've ever seen. Do you really have any faith this organization will develop him? And take your petty insults elsewhere. The Bears have had such a terrible run the past decade, the message boards are completely dead because no one wants to even talk about this pathetic team. Eventually you can be here by yourself talking about how "great" the Bears are.
Hey chitown fan, is it you who is the Notre Dame fan as well? I remember asking one of our less frequent posters last offseason about Kizer when we were discussing QB's to draft. He said he loved the domers but avoid Kizer like the plague. Well if that was you then you sure called that one right man. Can't believe how bad that guy has played at times.
Yeah, I'm a Notre Dame fan and I said that Kizer is not an NFL caliber QB. I was on the Trubisky bandwagon BUT the way Pace mishandled our draft pick last year was a disgrace.
I’ve watched every game this year as well. Then went back and watched them again. Then watched the all 22 for everyone of Trubisky’s plays. Many multiple times. Then looked at the tape on Watson, Wentz, Garoppolo, Prescott and other young QB’s give some perspective. If in your opinion Trubisky has gotten worse by the game and has the worst footwork you have ever seen then I don’t know what to tell you. I strongly disagree. Do I think he is a slam dunk franchise guy? Not yet but it is rare that you get those assurances after so little time. I’m not big on the past dictating the future.
Trubisky is the least of our problems. I like him personally and he's very professional. I just used drafting him as an example of how dumb the Bears management is. Everyone knew that the last draft class didn't have any sure fire QB prospects. Simply drafting a QB with a high pick would have been fine, but trading multiple picks away for a hit or miss selection was terrible. Plus I have no faith the Bears will properly develop him. The best question asked of Pace in that press conference was snarky but right on target. Don't know which reporter asked it, but I'll paraphrase it like this. "You've now had 3 draft classes Ryan. How many draft classes do you need to field a winning team?" Pace wasn't too happy with that question, probably because the truth hurts. He doesn't have a clue what he is doing. I agree that the past shouldn't dictate the future. However, I think with the Bears ownership the past does dictate the future because they simply never change. You'd think that a 14-34 record would wake some people up at Halas hall but instead they sign Pace to an extension and double down on stupid.
Anyone who said that Trubisky has gotten worse by the game and has bad footwork is obviously an idiot. I do not think that the guy is going to be a superstar but he can run. He certainly has a big time arm, can make all of the throws and has been behind a very bad offensive line and has very bad receivers.
Poor footwork in the pocket versus the ability to run are separate issues. It's totally obvious he is uncomfortable in the pocket and more comfortable on roll outs when he's on the move. To conclude that someone criticizing someone's footwork means they don't have mobility is foolish. Peyton Manning had way better footwork in the pocket but that doesn't mean he had any mobilty or escapability. Fact is the Bears upper management and coaching are incompetent and any QB can't develop under these buffoons. If the Bears actually make a competent coaching hire for a change maybe there is some hope.
Thought that was you. Yeah I hate the way the pick went down. I've still never seen anything that suggests Pace needed to make that move. Would sure like that 3rd round pick this upcoming draft. He hasn't gotten progressively worse. Actually the very fact he was so over-cautious with the football shows he can take coaching cos you just know the one thing Fox would've been preaching above all else was don't turn the ball over. But he does have really inconsistent footwork. You could almost tell the passes that weren't gonna end well before they got 5yards away from his hand because he was throwing off such an unstable platform sometimes. Trubisky's footwork of one of the biggest concerns I have about him right now. The good news is he's already established a rep it seems for being a hard worker and as I said, the kid can take coaching. Its very fixable. But they need to pick the right guy in order to develop him.
He has good mobility. However, when he has a crap offensive line in front of him, all of the mobility in the world won't help him much. Trubisky did just fine in his rookie season given the shit sandwich he had to work with.
They really need to replace both tackles. Or move Leno to RT and find a new LT via free agency or the draft.
Yep. And they need to settle on a position for Whitehair and keep him there instead of moving him around like they did with Long. When you step back from it and take a look objectively, their offensive line really is in a shambles because of age and injury mostly. They need talent and they need an offensive line coach who can mold an offensive line together.