Well, UK beat VT. Bears have never lost to the Lions on Saturday when Kentucky has won. * So, we got this. * (Note, I think this may be the first time this has ever occurred...)
I remember why I dont really watch the NFL anymore. Flag, Flag, Flag, Flag, Flag. Every game I put on this year, I think "This is worse than the NBA" which is just ridiculous. I blame Pete Carrol. Fuck him.
I liked that screen to Cohen. Didn't work too great but showed creativity and put the ball in his hands.
Eddie Jackson goes for an INT in a situation where if he simply bats it we get better field position on the punt. And callahan just gave up. lmao
Flag, Flag, Flag, Flag. Jesus, I have literally nothing else to do but I might turn this off anyways. The NFL has been ruined. Worst product in sports.
THATS A HOLD. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm watchign on mute so maybe i'm missing something but that is barely an "NFL Hold"/ Good limp off the field you pathetic piece of referee ass. fuck the NFL
Yep.... Well coached team... And nice hold on Houston Carson. 70 yard penalty. Fox doesn't deserve to finish this game, let a lone the season.
It was definitely a hold. But so are the 10 holds on their offensive line already that weren't called. These refs are color blind, they think grey = green.
Thats what I'm saying. Yeah, its a hold, but as everyone has said a thousand times, you could call holding on every play. That was not an "NFL Hold". And if you're going to call it, the Lions need to have negative total yards due to all their holding so far. Oye.