I know the last two...Brian Dennehy was the dad in Tommy Boy, and Verbal's first name was Roger. Got nothing on the other three, though.
u dog - there are 4 Golden Girls - pick one? haha. When the movie came out that scene of the cop reading the ransom demands, he reads out loud "a naked picture of ___ ______," he's like all baffled and befuddled.
the movie was airheads and it was a naked picture of bea arthur and the band's name was the Lone Rangers. haha. Super Troopers restaurant Farva was banned from was Dimpus Burger. Fake name of daughter used on Costner was Freedom.
thread is dead. last one....what was the name and nickname of the character portrayed by billy bob thornton in TOMBSTONE ??
Johnny "Madcap" Tyler what is the real name of Matt Dillon's character in the Outsiders? They call him by a nickname in the movie, but what is his real name that Cherry Valence (Diane Lane) says?
It was The Golden Palace. In Watchmen, what is the name of the tabloid publication Rorschach sends his journal to?
only saw it once and hated it. all that hype for nothing. sorry u dog. 0-2 but as my dear old Dad would say "3 for a dollar?"
It was The New Frontiersman. I'm out of questions for now lol. I'll try to think of something else later.
was is the favorite snack food of the Cop - Sgt Al. Powell from Die Hard 1 and 2 and not John McClane either?
LOL...I quit drinking soda a month ago and coffee last week...I bet I could give Reginald Vel Johnson a run for his money in a Twinkie eating contest right now... In Chasing Amy, what is the title of the comic book Holden and Banky write together?