If We Lose to Packers Tomorrow - Is Fox Gone?

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by Mongo_76, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. Mongo_76 Guest

    The Bears, to my knowledge, have never fired a HC mid-season. I don't expect it to start now.

    But with the Packers proving (as we all knew) that without Rogers, they are one of the worts teams in the NFL, does losing tomorrow guarantee Fox is gone?

    Just to be clear, I actually think we will win. I expect to win this game. Vegas now has us as a 6 point favorite. It's at home. Stadium will be jacked. 2 weeks off. Packers on a short week....

    Which furthers the point, Bears lose and how does he keep his job?

    One other thing to note, the Packers last win put them 1 game above .500 on us historically. We really need this win....
  2. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I fully expect a Bears win because of the defense and the high level they are currently playing at.

    But our offense is simply not scoring right now and that makes this game anything but a gimme. I expect a more open playbook for Trubisky.....and I expect a better performance by the young man.

    Should Fox be fired if they lose? Yes. I'd also fire him if they win. I'd fire him if they won every game remaining on the schedule. Because he sucks.
    firehalo likes this.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

    Sadly, when you look at the offense, we have a "relatively" solid Oline, Good (to great) running game, and as QB who while young, has the talent to open up.

    But our GM decided that rolling the dice with a receiver with low bone density, a 7th round receiver who had one half-way decent season, and a TE who had never played a full season, was the best weapons for our QB.

    Honestly, this really could be a good offense. And yet we're watching all the potential upside talent (on both sides of the ball) go to waste because our GM let his HC dictate the type of personnel to focus on.

    This whole "play tough D, and run the ball" shit has to fucking stop with this team. It's not 1988 anymore.

    Why the fuck can't we have a multi-attack potent offense AND a good D?
    EvertonBears likes this.
  4. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    When they expect you to run why is it you never see play action it might give the Bears no separation receivers a step.
  5. acrazyfool Franchise Player Over / Under Bears

    He stays through the end of the season no matter what. They kept juice box, no way they let go Fox. Those teams never tried, not even on day 1.

    I hate that this had been the only post the week leading up to the pack.
  6. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Dare I say I miss Jprin and the likes of him because it's the Damn Packers.
  7. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears

    Play action isn’t working. Teams are run blitzing and if Trubisky doesn’t hand off they just go right for the QB.

    This offense is so ass backwards it’s sickening. You have a young QB who is most comfortable in shotgun and yet you refuse to put him in it unless it’s an obvious passing situation. What happened to running out of shotgun? Didn’t Howard have some success running out of shotgun last season? How about a couple of series where we pass on first and second down. And god forbid not run. The short passing game has been nonexistent.

    If we lose this game Fox should wear a bullet proof vest for the remaining home games. I️ don’t see how you can bring Fox back unless this offense all of a sudden starts firing on all cylinders. And that is highly unlikely.
  8. blang84 Legend Bears

    The Bears have never fired a coach midseason, at least not in my lifetime. There is a zero % chance Fox gets fired even if we lose 70-0. Furthermore, I still think Fox is back next year, even if we lose out. The justification being it was a rebuilding year with the rookie QB and of course, more injuries.

    Should he get fired? He should have been fired after leading the team to their worst 16 game record in franchise history last year.

    As far as today being a winnable game, I will take it a step further and say this is a "must win" game. Yeah, even though we suck, this is a must win. For reasons Mongo mentioned and others, including just giving the players (particularly Trubisky) confidence that they can actually win this rivalry.

    The Packers are god awful without Erin, we all know it and we've known it for years. If we can't win today, it would be far worse than any of the other ass rapings we've taken from them in the last 10 years.
  9. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Win or lose, Fox has to go. He's done his job in my book; transition the team with discipline (amid his bad decision making and game management) to make them competitive and to find out over a seemingly endless span of a rebuild which players are you going to keep around? Which players develop and make this team a contender? I expect a new coach centered around taking Trubisky to the next level and a decent caliber replacement for Fangio--who unless he gets the HC job, or if Harbaugh comes here (neither of which are happening) he's long gone.

    And even if Fox delivers wins, Pace has an out. Pace can come up with an excuse, half assed or not to want to take this team in a different direction offensively.

    The packers have finally shown what I've been saying, without that quarterback, they're bad. Their defense is bad. Their run game is average, and they have no depth. Sickening they get 2 all time greats back to back. I look forward to their decade of being lost in the bad quarterback wilderness with the rest of the league.
  10. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    No, he won't be gone. Guaran-fucking-teed. But I am, I am done with this goddamn team. Year after fucking year they have shown no heart against the hated fucking Packers, and our fans have lost heart too. I mean in the lead up to this weeks game there was one thread. ONE. You guys are already done, why the fuck am I still here taking this beating.

    EvertonBears likes this.
  11. blang84 Legend Bears


    Mongo, I'm actually pissed that a smart guy like yourself would even create this thread. Thinking about this topic after what happened today is very painful. You know this franchise better than most of us. Why the fuck would you even have entertained this possibility?
  12. Mongo_76 Guest

    There is wide spread discussion right now that he''s on the block... Most of it seems to be in the media. But, apparently, there is some fire to this smoke.
  13. Mongo_76 Guest

    John Fox's winning percentage: 30%

    Which is second worst in Bears history to Abe Gibron...

    It's time
  14. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    I'd love to see it, of course, but this is just fantasy. There is no way this team fires Fox mid season, none.

    If they wouldn't fire Trestman after the 50point humiliation in GB in 2014, a game where it was clear the team was in a complete nosedive and everyone had quit on the season AND George was there watching it...... then they aren't gonna fire Fox now. Fox should be fired of course, absolutely, im just saying there's no way the Bears do it.

    Also, consider the message here. For years now the org has been pushing this multi-year plan, slow but steady rebuild crap(even tho its an utterly retarded approach see 2017 Rams see a thousand other examples). They put across this message every chance they get that things are going in the right direction (barely true at best). But you fire the HC in week10 that doesn't speak stable leadership/steady progress, its speaks chaos it speaks failure. They're just not going to do it, not when all they've got is the yarn that this is all somehow part of some long term master plan.

    In terms of getting himself fired, this week was classic Fox. Two weeks to prepare against our hated rival who's on a short week and in major injury trouble..... and they come out completely unprepared, completely undisciplined and with a complete lack of desire and fight. It was just so Fox. And any ownership with a hint of backbone or pride would absolutely fire Fox for that shit. But this is the Bears.

    Best we can hope for is black monday.
    babyfan likes this.
  15. blang84 Legend Bears

    The fans and the media know what needs to be done. Doesn't mean ownership agrees. The McCaskey's talk the talk but they don't walk the walk. They go on about how important it is to beat Green Bay. Then they continuously tolerate and accept being ass raped by the Packers every year for the last 25 years.

    Oh goody.

    Mongo I want to take this back to the debate about Pace's "plan". I'm on record stating he never had a plan and thinking he's smart enough to get by one offseason at a time making moves/draft picks only he is capable of making. Of course all evidence in three offseasons has shown that he has no fucking clue. And the biggest piece of evidence of that is Fox still being around.

    If the "plan" was to draft a rookie QB high, as we did, then wouldn't the plan also include ensuring that said rookie QB is paired with a bright, offensive-minded HC in order to ensure the long-term success of the QB? Even the dumbest football fan knows John Fox is not offensive-minded, nor has he ever shown the ability to develop a young QB. And since the Bears were coming off their worst 16 game season in franchise history, showing a lack of discipline, heart, and preparedness week in and week out, they actually had a great reason to make that coaching change last year. And that would have been fit into Pace's plan perfectly, since of course all along he was going to draft his QB in round 1. Right?

    If I read one more bullshit post from anyone about Pace's "plan", Louisville slugger to the face.
  16. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I agree with blang

    I think Pace is reacting moment to moment and there is no blueprint
  17. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    By the way...did any of you catch Fox’s post game presser? If you haven’t...please check it out. The guy is fucking clueless.
  18. Mongo_76 Guest

    Pace doesn't have a plan. Unless his plan is for him and his HC to get fired this year. And if that is his plan, he's well on his way.
  19. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Heard an interesting theory today on the radio. Apparently Fox was definitely not Pace’s choice, but it was an Accorsi pick.

    Pace went along with it as he was also an Accorsi/ownership pick.

    Furthermore, the theory was that Pace went along with the Glennon signing, knowing that he was not the QB of the future and that it would get Fox and everyone else canned, clearing the way for a coaching staff he could choose on his own.

    It’s a little far-fetched maybe, but maybe not.

    He knows re-tread dinosaur coaches with heart conditions are much more dispensable than GM’s.

    Maybe he does have a plan. If that plan involves firing John Fox and his staff, I’m in 100%.
  20. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Anythings possible I suppose, but I'm not buying that one. I don't doubt that both were an Accorsi picks, but nobody in their right mind would bring in a guy with the intent to be the downfall of another, besides he's been doing that on his own anyway, starting with the 2015 #1 election.

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