Caught the ball....feet down and takes steps..:goes to the ground and rolls over still with the ball But a running back just has to break the plane and can fumble it after he does and it’s a TD Go fuck your self
That is fucking outrageous. Fuck you NFL you fucking jokers. All these years and you STILL don't know what a catch is. I'm done with this shit, gonna watch Lewis Hamilton win a world title instead. Later fellas.
According to the rule, Calvin Johnson's play was an incompletion as he was still finishing his move when he let go of the ball. According to the same rule, Miller had already secured the ball and rolled over (i.e. football move) before letting it go. This is the worst call in the NFL since the Dez Bryant TD called back against the Packers in the playoffs.
Unfuckingbelievable Trubisky has made some really nice throws in this game Let the fucking kid throw If you lose...stop calling safe plays because you have zero balls