Season Opener

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by dlinebass5, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Don't expect a reply from Baby for a few months anyway unless of course she's been able to harness the static electricity built up from those Corona bottles.
    vvarder likes this.
  2. Mongo_76 Guest

    be safe dline.
  3. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    Ditto man.
  4. I hope you're not in the evacuation zone... good luck, brother
  5. dlinebass5 M.V.P. Bears

    Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the well wishes.

    We're battened up about as good as it's gonna get. The problem is, it's now moving to the west coast. We'll still see Cat 3 winds, where I am, but the west coast is about to get pummeled. I'm so upset, because they're just not ready for it... We're prepared, we had warning. They're not as well set up, structurally, and the people there haven't been preparing for days. I really hope they're gonna be okay.

    Cuba, as it often does, took some teeth out of the storm. It's still moving slowly, though, so it'll still be a Cat 4 when it gets to us. Thankfully, it's not blowing at the 185 mph it was some time ago. It's crazy that the current forecast is only about 50 miles different than it was almost three days ago, which is super accurate, when you put it in perspective. But that 50 miles has made all the difference, to everyone down here. The people most well prepared are getting off easy...

    We'll be fine here. If you're the praying kind, I'd keep the Keys and the west coast in mind...
  6. Mongo_76 Guest

    I think they had no expectation that it would latch on to Cuba the way it has.

    Tells me this thing may just keep hugging that coast. I still don't understand why they think it's going to make a right turn yet.
  7. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    Just catching up on the boards, and damn dline, its really crap to see you so caught up in this awful chain of events. I don't know how far south you are exactly but was leaving and getting out of there not an option?

    Hope it works out as well as possible for you man. Dunno how much looting you have to contend with over there in these situations but show those f_ckers no mercy!

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