Really? I was ignored? Well, now I'm actually upset. I'm legitimately a Browns fan, after I'm a Bears fan. I guess, "supporter" is probably the better word. So I go over there to have legitimate discussion - mind you, calling out the people who deserved being called out - and I'm ignored? I agree that the "ignore" button is a horrible conception. Forums like this are meant to be one of the few places we can have legitimate and mutual dialogue. Just because a few people can't do that doesn't mean that the effort should be abandoned, and those people enabled. One of the biggest problems in society today is that we don't listen to those who disagree with us. I don't like that this site facilitates that. I know Tim was hoping to satisfy a limited number of people on here, as well as, potentially, readers who don't post, but I think it works counter to the aim of sites like this. Heaven forbid I attempt to have a real discussion wherein I disagree with you.
I know Tim was hoping to satisfy a limited number of people on here, as well as, potentially, readers who don't post, but I think it works counter to the aim of sites like this. Heaven forbid I attempt to have a real discussion wherein I disagree with you. Yep. Tim may unwittingly find that this device actually drives down participation. Which i doubt is the aim...
I dunno... the first thing I did when I found the ignore was ignore Al in Tardville. His inane drivel is a waste of time reading, and arguing with him is an even bigger waste of time, since he can't hear anything with his head shoved so far up his own ass. I love it.
3rdGen, you're right about Al. But I just read past him. He's one of the only people I can pin that label on. I don't think it's worth enabling people ignoring dissenting opinion or facts to make it easier to read past the waste-of-space exceptions like Al.
Good grief! I'm going to KILL you Mongo. In fact it's not going to be just a slow hopeless killing, it's going to be a slow drawn out horrible and mean death. Maybe even worse than that if I can get my overly-polite Canadian mind to think of even more creative ways of killing horrible nasty men ... I swear to God. Ask a dude how much money he dropped at a bar last night and he has no idea ... ask him if he remembers some stupid story from 5 years ago and he's got it completely memorized. LOL No wonder I hate you guys.
I didn't walk away embarrassed. And aren't you the guy who believes that life came from non-life, we are the result of some gigantic explosion and apes turned into men? Yep, that's you.
Okay so listen. Can we quit this? Get back on topic or I'm going to start talking about yoga. I'm not joking either. I will.
Actually, I've never typed words here that back any of that. But you, however, did attempt to back the man living in a whale fairytale. And that didn't end well for you. I've never claimed life has come from non-life. As a true atheist I don't know where life actually came from....I simply KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt it didn't come from your old white guy with a beard living in the clouds. Science tends to back people like me where it tends to make people like you look silly. Second warning....quit while you're behind. You lack the ammo to win this war.
I like fairy tales and fictional stories too. Your failed attempts to be clever are slightly cringy and embarrassing.