@babyfan I trust you to be witness to this, not that it isn't plausible just unprecedented, because no team has choked so badly in the Superbowl, however their throats should be wide open so anything is possible. Science bitches!
You stand to gain nothing but a shitstorm of backlash by talking shit against a team that was 3-13 last year. Go away retard.
That's all you got for shit talk? I give you a 3 on the scale of 1-Jprin. You're disappointing. Or should I put it in caveman terms so your guy Dirk can understand it?
I really didn't take offense at that guys initial statement. I mean if he'd kept talking stupid sh_t across multiple threads then yeah, he's a troll, blast him. But one light-hearted statement before a week 1 game? I'm not getting bent out of shape about that. Its gets a good retort(and lets be honest, there's a LOT to retort a Falcons fan with right now), but thats all. I don't want us to get like the Browns board, those guys are one sorry sight. I went over there and joined in a thread with a well thought out, straight up none troll contribution to their prediction thread, and they all totally lost it. And they didn't even blast me, they whined and hit me with the ignore button haha!! It was honestly like i'd waltzed into an agoraphobe's house and left the front door wide open. They weren't even angry, more like terrified. I figured having a team that stinks as long as theirs has, has f_cked them up. But they don't help themselves either.
BTW dline your name came up over there too. I guess you've tried to engage one or two of them in a grown up conversation before and ended up on some ignore lists yourself? LOL, wot a bunch of pu$$ies.
Oh and for the record, an ignore button or whatever it is, is an incredibly gay thing. This site is better than that.
It's been requested a number of times Ev. I don't know why it would be necessary since we all have to capacity to ignore posters we can't get along with but I think for some it's important.
Again, He asked for it, he got it - and it wasn't a Toyota. If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen.
It would probably help move the discussion forward if we all treated each other a little more respectfully.
Again, He asked for it, he got it - and it wasn't a Toyota. If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. Shut the f_ck up pinky. It wasn't funny the first time. Now you just look like you have a learning disability. See you try and give a guy a break......
Interesting baby. I guess there's a lot more thin skinned people on here than i thought. How lame. People like that would've been torn limb from limb on CBS.
I wouldn't worry, i don't think there's much of a discussion to be had. The Unknown Poster is too busy being a bada$$.
That's an awesome name Ev!!! The Unknown Poster ... although I do know MIA pretty well and have for a few years. He's a good guy. But I love that moniker. I could use a new one like ... The Dense Poster or SheWhoKnowsBasicallyNothing or ... Any suggestions?
I love that you think your responses are clever. Aren't you the guy that literally believes a man once lived inside a whale? Didn't we have that debate and you walked away embarrassed? Yeah....quit while you're behind junior.
Well.... i know your not a guy baby, but you do remind me a little of Jerry's cousin Muscles from Tom & Jerry. You ever see that one? You may be small, but youw the admin awound here. "You tweat each other with wespect or you'll regwet mister" : ))))