Random thought time.....

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I've considered that Kaepernick's reasons may be layered beyond where the media points or he himself expresses, and that the majority of people tend to choose sides on an issue that should have none.

    He also opted out of a contract after putting out some pretty lousy tape.

    Seattle was probably his best option to catch on as a back-up and if Wilson were to have a major injury with weeks of healing I suspect he would get a call from the Seahawks.
    tunafat likes this.
  2. Go Bearsssss Franchise Player Bears

    I just needed to stop in and drop a big Fuck you to Colin Kaepernick. Dude is a moron. I have absolutely no problem with his kneeling during the Anthem. If anything, the way it has blown up just shows how effective it was.

    That said. Colin Fuckin Kaepernick intentionally decided not to vote in the 2016 election. He said he did it again as a statement of disagreeing with the system. But Colin, literally the best way to change the system is to vote people in who will try to do things you agree with.

    I have held a grudge against him ever since I heard that news. Just unbelievable stupidity.
    babyfan and Bear-man 11 like this.
  3. Mongo_76 Guest

    I have no issues with him protesting, I support his right to do so.

    What affected me is what he attacked in order to protest.

    Why attack the National anthem if the issue you're protesting is (as he said) Cops targeting blacks?

    The two things are not synonyms nor representations of the other.

    He was the starting QB of the 49ers and, pretty much at any point he wanted, (in a post game interview, weekly show, or just have his agent make a call) could have got in front of mic and made his stance.

    Hell, he could have wore a patch on his uniform of a pig, or (as he did socks) or an upside down San Fran police emblem....

    But, again, why attack something that hundreds of thousands/millions of Americans (military or otherwise) have fought and died for?

    With all that said, I watched Kaepenick play against one of the worst pass defenses in Bears history last year. He threw for a grand total of 4 yards before getting benched. I have never seen a player quit on a game/team EVER in the way he did (and that includes Cutler).

    Maybe he was protesting having to play at Soldier Field?

    But regardless, he quit. And if I'm a GM, I will never want anything to do with a "leader" who quit on his team the way that piece of crap did. He does not deserve a job in the NFL. And that opinion (my opinion) is not based on his ill-targeted protest. It's because he's a quitter.
    babyfan and Bear-man 11 like this.
  4. Somewhat off topic since this is regardless of Kaepernick...

    I loathe our national anthem. Rockets and bombs and blowing shit up, that's what we want the world to think about when they think about America? That's the song that we feel represents our country?

    THIS should be our national anthem, imho

    oilhead, blang84 and babyfan like this.
  5. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    I'm there with you 100%. I hate what he did. AND I think he's a horseshit QB.

    All those brave men did die defending our freedoms though, up to and including schitty, whiny QB's kneeling during the anthem.
  6. vvarder Franchise Player Bears

    I agree with Bear-man's first post probably the most, he has every right to protest the way he does. The owners also have every right to not sign him due to the fact that he's not that good, and comes with baggage.

    See: Tim Tebow, same problem, different side of the political spectrum. Teams will put up with a lot if you are good. But if you are average and have extra media baggage? They can find someone else average without the baggage.

    @tunafat - that's pretty interesting, I've never heard the 3 following verses to the national anthem, because no one ever sings it. https://amhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/pdf/ssb_lyrics.pdf - and snopes: http://www.snopes.com/2016/08/29/star-spangled-banner-and-slavery/
    However, given that no one ever sings the entire song, I'm not sure we need to throw the baby out with the bath water. Should we strike the entire constitution because of the 3/5ths compromise? Or perhaps just strike the bits that are bad, like the 3rd verse no one sings? I used to agree with 3rdgen that America the Beautiful would be better, but the Star Spangled Banner works, and has 100 years of history to it now. And there's a 0% chance it's changing in the next 4 years.

    There are positives to Kaepernick's protest in that it opened up some dialog. But I don't think it changed anyone's mind. And he's still a very average QB who's now out of the league. He might get another "Tebow" shot at the 2nd/3rd string somewhere. Good for him to have the courage of his convictions though.
  7. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    True on that, I agree with 3rdgen it would be a better anthem because face it "bombs bursting in air" is that any way to sell this country? Not that it needs to be sold. You have Iceland and Greenland and from what I'm told they named it Greenland to get people to migrate there, but there is more ice in Greenland and more green in Iceland so go figure.
    Boom! this right here^^^^^^^^^
    Why is it many consider guys like these blackballed? No the risk in bullshit isn't worth the possible reward when they're sitting on the bench and not expected to even play.
    Hell they brought Vick back after what he did because the reward was likely higher than the risk when he comes in as a starter.
  8. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    I found this today this is what Shady McCoy had to say on the issue:

    “You’ve just got to look at all sides like, if I’m an owner or the GM of a team, do I want to put him on my team?” McCoy said. “Is he good enough to be on the squad to even deal with everything that’s going on?”
    “That [Kaepernick’s kneeling for the anthem] may have something to do with it, but I think also it has a lot to do with his play,” McCoy said . “There’s certain players that could be on the team with big distractions, and there’s other players that it’s not good enough or not worth it,”

    Then when was questioned about Vick:

    “That’s a great example. Take a guy like Michael Vick, who went through all that he went through,” McCoy said. “He’s 10 times better than Kaepernick. So you’ll deal with that situation, you’ll deal with that attention, the media aspect of it, the good, the bad attention to it compared to Kaepernick,”

    This has been my position since day one, and he nails it.

  9. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I didn't vote either. For the first time since I reached the age where I could legally do so.

    Because the system is flawed, corrupted, and broken.
    oilhead likes this.
  10. Mackladder Franchise Player Bears

    " You're free to speak your mind in this country, but that doesn't mean you're free from any consequences of what you say. "
  11. packerzrule Franchise Player Packers Badgers Brewers

    Good for him to stand up for what he believes is right

    Unfortunately, he will have plenty of time to think of his actions during his new career

    EvertonBears and babyfan like this.
  12. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    LOL Packerzz!
  13. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Sorry, Bears fans, but we is gonna whip ya butts in Week 1.
  14. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    And what an accomplishment that will be!

    Just make sure you're up by more than 25 points this game asswipe.
    blang84 likes this.
  15. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Hey, trust me, Atlanta fans know well how you feel. Remember when the Bears were 15-1? I do.
  16. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    Wow, that's a real shitty comeback. I do remember the Bears winning the Super Bowl and did so in dominating fashion. When the Bears got the lead versus the Patriots they actually held on to it and finished the deal.

    The Falcons performed the biggest choke job in the history of the Super Bowl so get the f*ck out here and go back to your Falcons board with the 3 other fans.
    patg006, blang84 and tunafat like this.
  17. M.I.A. Unknown Soldier MIA's C.P. Falcons

    Eat me, buddy. Here I am trying to be a good sport and you respond like this. Your Bears are terrible. We are going to drum your sorry little panzy team so hard that you'll be hearing Falcons fans cheering clear to Canada.
  18. blang84 Legend Bears

    Typically the losing team of the Super Bowl fails to make the playoffs the next year. Such will be the case of the Falcons in 2017, the devastation of the Super Bowl choke will be a dark cloud over a disappointing season.

    In fact, the hang over might be so bad they might even lose to the Bears in week 1. Were Mitch Trubisky to be the Bears week 1 starter, I'd bet good money that the Falcons lose.
  19. packerzrule Franchise Player Packers Badgers Brewers

    way to stay classy
    babyfan likes this.
  20. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    I guess that's what you would call trash talk?

    Oy ...

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