Random thought time.....

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by BearsWillWin, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    There continues to be a lot of debate surrounding players kneeling for the national anthem. But....have you ever truly paid attention when you're watching or attending a game and the anthem plays? Have you ever scanned the crowd and see how many people leave their hats on? How many people are talking to other people around them and paying no attention to the anthem? How many people drinking beers, talking on their phone, and doing anything other than the things we were told growing up you were supposed to do during our country's anthem?

    The players on the field are at least demonstrating for some kind of a purpose, whether you agree with them or not. What's the excuse for the folks in the crowd?
    acrazyfool and bigrobo876 like this.
  2. patg006 M.V.P. Bears

    People who refuse to understand why its being done are ignorant (and sadly, there's a lot of these people), and most people want to be the person who stands by and does nothing.....they just mask it as "shut up and play football."

    The latter are also pretty fucking ignorant too.....they're all over the place too in baseball--the baseball police.

    I get the whole "sports and politics should be separate" issue, or people watch sports to get away from politics......but what would be the right way for these guys to protest injustice and oppression, if the phone talking, beer drinking, ball scratching 'Muricans don't like the simple act of kneeling?
    BearsWillWin likes this.
  3. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    When I'm at home watching the game I don't stand up, am I supposed to? Next thing you know pants will be required too? WTF! I kick back with my beer like a boss, because I know it's game time.
    babyfan, BearsWillWin and blang84 like this.
  4. blang84 Legend Bears

    Long before these protests started I used to wonder why the anthem was even necessary before a game, and unless I'm there live or it's the Super Bowl I would even forget they play it at all. Even though I don't believe it should be played at sporting events, I choose to stand out of respect for the nation. If others choose not to stand, I couldn't care less. It's a free country. It's unfortunate that there are people who believe that everyone must conform to their view of patriotism, otherwise it's treason. If they stop caring, maybe most media will stop covering it and the story will fade into oblivion.

    One big step to completely separating sports from politics would be to not perform the anthem at all and to stop with the military displays before games or during time outs. Until then, given how divided this country is politically, this conversation will likely only get louder, and the NFL could lose viewers from both sides of the politcal spectrum. I know someone who claims he will no longer watch the NFL because of Kaepernick's protests, and I know even more liberals who claim they will no longer watch because Kaepernick has been blackballed.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
    acrazyfool, babyfan and BearsWillWin like this.
  5. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    When Kaep took a knee for the first time the league should have openly addressed the situation and took steps to work on the issue.

    They could have asked Colin to stand for the anthem and in exchange the NFL could have offered to help with his cause in a public manner that would have given it greater exposure and a positive platform. This would have shown that the league respects the players concerns and the concerns of a large portion of the black community while respecting the beliefs of the fans and ownership who feel that patriotism has a place in the league.

    This is still something that the league could do to turn a dividing issue into a common cause with some common goals.

    Everyone should have a vested interest in making our country safe and with equal opportunity for all.
  6. BearsWillWin Drunk (Probably) Patreon Champion Manager Bears Blackhawks Cubs

    I totally agree Tim.

    But this is a league that still hasn't figured out what a catch is.....so I have zero hope for them figuring out how to properly handle this situation.
    Campbell likes this.
  7. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I read your post and immediately this popped into my head -

  8. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    What a different country it would be if sports, politics and sex were separate.
    blang84 likes this.
  9. blang84 Legend Bears

    I don't agree with your idea Tim. The whole point of Kaep's kneeling is because he feels that he cannot stand for a country that allows for injustices to exist against people he cares for. I'm sure the NFL could give his charities millions of dollars and raise all the publicity about his causes and he'd still kneel. Why would he compromise his position to please the fans/owners, if he feels so strongly? I think you are underestimating his convictions. And for the record I don't agree with his actions nor do I appreciate many of the things he's said.

    We watch the league because we love football and we love the Bears. Why does patriotism have to have a place in it? Be patriotic all you want, I love this country too. But you shouldn't be so insecure about your patriotism that it offends you that there are those who wish to separate it from football or that there are others who kneel for the anthem.
  10. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm not underestimating his convictions, but I would question his motives if the NFL offered to do more than just throw money at his charity.

    If the league offered to form a players collective that was guaranteed an opportunity to openly discuss their frustrations on their own platform every Thursday after the game it would create a more positive outlook for the causes the players pursue while expanding the reach of those who are trying to enact the very changes he is attempting to represent.

    If he chose to kneel over taking the opportunity to directly address millions of Americans by discussing the issues he feels strongly about then it is reasonable to question if there are other motives involved.
  11. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    What other motives might this action involve?
  12. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    Honestly Lou, I wouldn't profess to know but I do think it's a reasonable question to ask in almost any situation where opportunities are granted and compromise is possible but not achieved due to the actions of a sole individual.

    Perceived reasons and actual reasons sometimes have a vast chasm between them.

    And that's not me calling Kaepernick out. I just try to look at things from every angle possible.
  13. blang84 Legend Bears

    He doesn't need a league mandated platform to directly address people, he can talk to media, which he's done, or talk directly to the people via social media which he also has done a lot. I'm surprised that you wouldn't have noticed. I don't see how this league platform would necessarily elevate his voice, in fact it would probably even more enrage the same people who are already pissed at Kaep and the league in the first place.
  14. babyfan Legend Patreon Platinum Bears Babyfan's P.C. Yoga

    Thanks. That's what I was asking.

    People need a voice but deciding on the where/when and how can make it hard for the community to hear and sympathize or empathize without adding judgements to the issue.
  15. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I have noticed, no reason to be surprised about it, but you and I disagree on the potential effectiveness of opening up a dialogue in the form of a weekly full show on a network that could spearhead other networks to do the same and create an entire movement around concerns of social inequality.

    I also believe you and I disagree on the reason why most people have spoken out disapprovingly about Kaepernick taking a knee during the anthem.
  16. blang84 Legend Bears

    I get the cynicism. I actually don't believe he wants to play football. I think a lot of it has been a stunt to bring attention to himself and his causes. But maybe I'm misreading where you're coming from... Most I've heard from who oppose his actions are upset because he's disrespecting the flag and veterans.
  17. Campbell Administrator Manager Commissioner

    I'm not opposed nor am I for his actions.

    I personally will stand for the national anthem and will recite the pledge of allegiance when it's read aloud. I think that everyone should have a sense of civic pride, but I also believe that as a nation we should be doing a hell of a lot more so that everyone feels that pride and wants to stand for the anthem because of it.

    Long story short - we got a ways to go.
  18. bigrobo876 Franchise Player Bears


    A good read for anyone wanting to brush up on the Kaepernick situation.

    I never had an issue with Colin or any player kneeling or sitting during the national anthem.

    "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick said, via NFL.com. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

    I did take issue with this comment which was one of the first things he said when asked about the protest. It came across like if you do stand and take pride in the flag your ok with oppression.

    Since then he did a better job at clarifying his stance and I do feel the cause is a good one. I don't think the NFL needed to intervene in any way. Nobody was punished for their actions.

    As for not being signed I find it pretty funny that anyone with common sense can't see why that hasn't happened. A perfect example was the protest in NYC yesterday. He comes with way too much media baggage for a backup QB. Do you think the noise will stop if he is signed. No way it will turn into why isn't he starting, why did he get benched.....
  19. tunafat Franchise Player Bears

    Have you considered the angle on how the 3rd stanza celebrates the death of blacks (slaves) that fought along side the British to gain their freedom in this so called land of the free? It's often not what's said but what is unsaid or unsung in this case. This wasn't the national anthem until well over 100 years after it was written, hell the music to it isn't even original it belongs to The Anacreontic Song. Maybe it's time for a new anthem that people can actually sing.

    On Kaepernick I think people confuse perceived talent with actual talent, If he was that skilled in his position he would be employed as a starter, but I don't see owners taking on the distraction or baggage on a guy coming in as a backup QB that might not even see the field. I would bet at some point during the year when a starting QB goes down and they look to their bench will they pick up the phone.
    babyfan likes this.
  20. Bear-man 11 Franchise Player Bears

    Regardless of what you think of him sitting, kneeling, or standing for the national anthem, he does have the right to do so.

    Just as owners have every right not to sign him if they feel his presence will harm their bottom line in any way, from a political or talent standpoint.

    You're free to speak your mind in this country, but that doesn't mean you're free from any consequences of what you say.

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