Preseason Game 1

Discussion in 'Chicago Bears' started by blang84, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. Mongo_76 Guest

    I think you're taking a relative term "quick as fuck" and relating it to Brady and Rogers.

    I think he's got a quick release. And relative to the guys we've had previously, it is.

    I don't see a long wind up. I see a quick set and release.
    aggie16 and BearsWillWin like this.
  2. aggie16 Franchise Player Bears

    tunafat likes this.
  3. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Watson will be a far better QB then Trub. However I was actually impressed with Trub the other night. He may actually be better than Rex Grossman.
  4. Mongo_76 Guest

    When you state something that has not happened as "fact", you kinda make yourself look immature and trollish.

    Fuck off.
  5. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Very well thought out response.
  6. Mongo_76 Guest

    Lick a dick.

    That better?
  7. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Now you are borderlining on mensa style dabete.
  8. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    I'll leave you folks alone. However. Game 1 Trubs is better than I thought. So you guys 1 my hi football IQ 0. Accept it now. Because the hammer is coming.
  9. Mongo_76 Guest

    No really.

    Go lick a dick.

    And fuck off.
  10. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    Nah. If you bunch of pussies can't take an outside opinion than go Fuck yourselves and live with the open forum.
  11. Mongo_76 Guest

    If you came in here and gave an "opinion", fine.

    But you stated it s fatc.

    as I noted.

    Which makes you a troll.

    So time to fuck off.
  12. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    No really your not good. However maybe your GM didn't make a mistake with Trub. And anyone that thinks it's best for the Long term situation of the Bears to start him over Glennon before week 8 is a pure moron.
  13. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    At this point you are trolling yourself
  14. Mongo_76 Guest

    Dude. Fuck off.

    You're kinda piece of shit.
  15. Mongo_76 Guest

    It's sad (for your fan base) that you are the person representing your fan base.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2017
  16. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    So you don't believe in conflicting opinions?
  17. SPress Franchise Player Manager

    It's sad that your fan base is designated to hoping how well a rookie QB did in game 1 of preseason. And calling for Glennons head
  18. Mongo_76 Guest

    Again, had you given an opinion, no issues.

    You stated it as fact.

    Do you even have the grade school level of intelligence to comprehend the difference?
  19. Al in Cal Guest

    I think all of this canonizing of a rookie qb is funny based on one performance against back-up players. And now I see people on this and other boards "predicting" that this team is going to win 9-10 games.

    No folks, this team is still very shitty. They got manhandled by Denver on both sides of the ball when they had their regulars in. Our offensive tackles still suck. Our guards are injured. The tight ends who were supposed to be one of the strengths of the team as a group had a shitty game.

    And the defense didn't show itself either to be much better than last year's team particularly the secondary. Still stupid coverage penalties/

    Yeah there were some good positive signs. Trubisky did play well but Glennon and Sanchez STINK. Cohen played great and the running game look solid. The two second team tackles played good also and so did Grasu against Denver's 2nds and 3rds.

    That is about all you could say about this game but you should ask yourself how well the starting 22 of DEnver would have looked against the starting 22 of the Bears. Enough said:(
  20. EvertonBears M.V.P. Bears

    And now I see people on this and other boards "predicting" that this team is going to win 9-10 games.

    Really? I hadn't seen that. Who here predicted we'd now win 9-10 games?

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